Baluchi separatists, MEK’s last resort to survive

MEK declining

Ignored by the Iranian society, the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) have to resort to any force which may help them survive on the Iranian political scene. Their propaganda focuses on the activities of their so-called resistance units and the latter focuses on Baluch separatists. The evidence can be seen in the MEK’s TV channel and websites.

The group’s propaganda websites routinely propagate the news of the resistance units in Sistan and Baluchestan province. The turbulent region where Jaish al-Adl extremist separatists operate and particularly, Zahedan. As the central city of the province, Zahedan is the MEK’s favorite location to recruit forces in order to launch violent acts.
What the resistance units are supposed to do is that they set fire and handmade bombs near religious, governmental and social buildings. Zahedan is the keyword they use when they talk about the activities of their resistance units.

The region is really hazardous. On December 15th, 2023, France 24 reported that at least 11 Iranian police officers were killed in a jihadist-claimed attack overnight on a police station in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan. Aljazeera, also reported that the province, which lies on a major opium trafficking route, has seen occasional clashes between Iranian forces and Baluch separatists, as well as drug traffickers. And, according to the Associated Press, The Sistan and Baluchestan province borders Afghanistan and Pakistan, and has seen previous attacks on security forces by ethnic Baluchi separatists.

The MEK has been neglected by the Iranian protesters and oppositions too. The “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement never embraced the MEK and its female leader, Maryam Rajavi, because they notice her undemocratic attitude inside her group despite her democratic gestures for the outside world. Iranians see that forced hijab is one of the many forced regulations of the Cult of Rajavi like forced celibacy, forced labor, prohibition of contact with the outside world and many other cult jargons.

Thus, the dictatorship of the Rajavis that rule the MEK has proved that “life” is not an option. Massoud and Maryam Rajavi have deprived their members from all aspects of a normal life. That is why they have changed the famous slogan of “Woman, Life, Freedom” to “Woman, Resistance, Freedom”. The message is very clear: The MEK does not support the aspirations of the Iranian nation. The group does not value the territorial integrity of Iran as it once sided with Saddam Hussein, Iraqi dictatorship who invaded Iran and imposed eight years of a bloody war.

Mazda Pasi

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