Young girls witnessed their mother’s murder by the MEK terrorists

Eshrat Eskandari family

The Eskandari family is one of the plaintiffs of the trial of the leaders of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). Eshrat Eskandari, the mother, was killed by 8 bullets fired by the terror team of the MEK.

Eshrat Eskandari was 26 years old at the time of her heartbreaking death in September 1982. Before the revolution, she was married to Mohsen Eskandari, and eventually they had four children. Eshrat was targeted by the MEK because she was the wife of Mohsen who was soldier of Iranian revolutionary guard.

Her children Masoumeh, Mansoureh, Mohammad Javad and Mehdi have so far testified about that Friday morning when their mother was killed before their horrified eyes. These children have carried the trauma of their mother’s death and her loss throughout their lives. the trace of deep pain and suffering can be seen in their faces in the interviews they have attended since them.

Masoumeh Eskandari

Masoumeh Eskandari, who was 8 years old at that time, considers that day the worst day of her life, because she not only witnessed her mother’s murder, but she was also shot by the terrorists.

Mansoureh Eskandari was a 6-year-old child at that time. She witnessed her mother’s being shot, thrown in her blood. She tearfully states that even though she was a young child that day, she will never forgive herself for opening the door to Rajavi’s terrorists.

Mohammad Javad remembers the moment that the terrorists entered the room where he and Mehdi were sleeping. They opened their eyes to two men with Kalashnikovs opening fire in the room. He took his younger brother and laid down so that they would be safe from the bullets.

During the attack of two MEK operatives on Mohsen Eskandari’s house, not only his wife but also a 18-year-old man and 17-year-old woman, who were Eskandari’s guests, were assassinated. They were having breakfast when the terrorists attacked their house on Nahidi St. Tehran

In the morning of August 27th, 2024, there civilians were killed. 4 children were traumatized for their entire life by the violent of the MEK.

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