Where is Massoud Rajavi?

, Rajavi gave all the new members an icon and put it around our necks

Many people ask me about Masoud Rajavi. Mostly whether he is still alive or not. First, I must emphasize that my writings about Mujahedin (MEK) are based on my personal observations and experiences. If I have not seen or heard anything, I will not express it under the title of observation.

Talking about where Rajavi is in the MEK is prohibited. They told us that the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence is looking for this information and anyone who talks about this issue is in line with the Ministry. This issue was a “red border” and we should not have approached it. My writing about this will surely make Rajavi’s dogs rabid.

First, a memory from my childhood, which shows a part of the brainwashing of children at that time. When I was 8 years old and I was with my parents at Camp Ashraf, my mother once asked me:
My son, who do you love more, mom and dad or uncle Masoud and aunt Maryam (the Rajavi couple)? I said, “uncle and aunt”.

My mother was happy to hear this and said congratulations. In later years, when I returned to Ashraf as a teenager, she told me this memory several times and said that she was proud of me at the time. Yes, the brainwashed Zahra wanted me to like her ideologic leader more than anything else.

My first contact with Rajavi was in 1999. When I went to Ashraf and my mother said that my father died. Then she said that from now on consider Rajavi as your father and send him the gold watch [The souvenir that he had brought his father from the United States]. I did the same. A month later, when I was in the reception section of the camp, Rajavi sent me a gift in response.

A colored glass with the Koran verse engraved on it. If you know the story of Aya Kowsar, you will understand the depth of Rajavi’s deception. He tortured and killed my father and then with this verse he told me that it is okay that you lost him, instead I gave you Maryam Rajavi and her ideological revolution. Damn Rajavi!

From 1999 to 2003, I met Rajavi in several meetings. We, the new members, were allowed to kiss him several times. In this video, I had just joined Ashraf, and in a meeting, Rajavi gave all the new members an icon and put it around our necks.
The last time I saw Rajavi was in March 2001. It was the days of Ashura [a religious ceremony] and, as always, there were ideological mass meetings. It was clear that America was going to invade Iraq and Rajavi had planned to attack Iran if the war started. I will write more about the 2003 war and the relationship with America later.

The war started and after the agreement between the US and the MEK was signed, all the members were gathered at Camp Ashraf. When the war started, Rajavi disappeared. To this day, he has not shown up publicly anywhere. But in the years after the war, every year we had some meetings with Rajavi, which were held in audio or written form.

In one of these meetings, Rajavi announced, with photos and videos, the unsuccessful missile attack of the coalition forces on his headquarters and even his bed. There were many speculations and rumors about Rajavi’s whereabouts in those years. Some said that he was in a hidden place in Ashraf. Some said that he was in an Arab country.

But I have never seen any concrete evidence in this regard. I only knew that he was alive. After I left the MEK, I followed the news of the MEK for a long time. Rajavi’s meetings with members continue. Yes, the evidence suggests that he is alive. On this year’s New Year, an audio message from him was broadcast on the MEK’s TV channel.

I will not put the link here, but if you search the following sentence on YouTube, you will find the video:
“Masoud Rajavi’s Nowruz Message 1403”

It is clear from his voice that he is very old and sick. But in my opinion, yes, it is his own voice.

I wish Rajavi will be alive and one day will be tried in an international court. In my opinion, he and Mujahedin have been dead for years. Maybe not physically, but politically and socially. Today, they are a rotten cult that shakes its tail every day for this and that and buys foreign support with money. But they are definitely over.

Ray Torabi’s account on X

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