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Aldo Solullari to introduce Nejat Society to Albanians

Aldo Solullari, Media manager of Nejat Society Albania addressed the audience in a video conference. As an Albanian activist of Nejat Society’s office in Albania, he introduced the society, its mission and its activities. Read his recent on-line speech which was in Albanian language, published on Nejat Albania’s You Tube account:

Hello friends and well-wishers of the Albanian Salvation Association, better known as the Nejat Albania Association.

I am happy to convey through this virtual conference the administrative approach of this association, which operates in the framework of the integration of foreign communities in Albania, particularly the Iranian community who have left the Mek camp located near the city of Durres in Manez.

According to an international institutional agreement that has been made possible under the title of humanitarian shelter status, this community has come to Albania to take shelter in our country, after being rebel in their country, trusting their future for decades under a severe surveillance at the mujahedin camp.

In their contracts witnessed by themselves, the former members have found that the union with the MEK organization has been a propaganda to imply the right of integration in the European countries and in our country where they are welcome based on an agreement.

These members of that organization found that joining that organization brought later consequences that they suffer to this day, not being able to communicate with their family members in their country, not having access to social networks to communicate through technological devices. Even their basic rights are violated. They cannot even communicate with those members of their family who may be inside that camp. These and others are outside any standard of living, claiming that they came with the desire to integrate.

There was a need to create an association that operates in the framework of the integration of this community who have left that camp for the real purpose of moving to our country, which is precisely the integration and advancement of a life style.

Once they came to us, they were first given their first cell phone to communicate with their families, and even every support and legal access was made possible to be within every normative legal provision, within the rules of the Republic of Albania.

They are involved in different professions of private businesses, working in different sectors and creating personal capital for their expenses.

In this way, they have managed to get to know the Albanian people better by calling them their brothers and sisters and even creating their own families in our country, and having the status of parents after so many years of being lost without access to their own parents.

The renewal of residence permits was made possible by the assistance of Nejat personnel, where it was done in a transparent manner in cooperation with Albanian institutions, helping these members to be free to interact in our community.

The democratic principles of MEK were already proved to be false, and now we hope that the testimonies of these former members of that organization will be a voice of communication for the other members there, and to understand that they have the support of the Albanian institutions and the big family of the Nejat association for their every need.

Every day, working together to create a new path and road in their life path, paving every hole that the mujahedin organization has left in their memories.

With continuous social and cultural activities and fairs to share their bitter memories, we try to give them strength to move forward and to tell them that this horror film with the title “MEK” has ended, and that now in our country they can live as free and honest citizens, embracing the law and even claiming the right to citizenship.

With respect

Media manager of Nejat Association Albania, Aldo Sulollari

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