MEK’s confession to their crimes in Mujahed journal

Sadeq Kushki, the author of Terror Descent, in the 13th session of the MEK Court

Mohammad Sadegh Koshki, a researcher and author, told the trial court of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) about the confessions of the group to its terrorist activities in its official journal “Mujahed”.

Mohammad Sadegh Koshki, the author of the book “Tabar Terror, an overview of the history and terrorist record of the Mujahedin-e Khalq”, attended the 13th session of the trial court of 104 leaders of the MEK and the organization as a legal entity. He presented his book as a document of the “open confessions of the legal defendant” to the court.

According to Kushki, the book was written only based on Mujahed journal. It presents a record on the terrorist activities of the group. All the cases discussed in the book are based on the Mujahid journal, with the publication number, exact date and page number.

He stated that since Mujahid journal is recognized as the official periodical of the MEK, the organization cannot deny the attribution of the terrorist acts it has committed.

He then reads some parts of the book for the court: For example, in No. 178 of Mujahed journal, dated July 20, 1983, Ali Zarkesh, who was the operational head of the MEK in Iran, was quoted as saying that between June 1382 and June 1983, the group had killed at least 2,500 Iranian citizens.

Other examples of Mujahed journal’s confessions of committing the murder of a large number of innocent citizens, military and government officials of Iran, training for making explosives, bombs and terror tactics were also mentioned by Sadeq Kushki.

Mujahed journal is actually a document for confessions of the MEK as the first-line defendant in the court for committing terrorist acts, killing thousands of Iranian citizens, teaching the methods of committing crimes and encouraging to commit them, which can be used by the court as evidence against the group.

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