Former members and families of MEK hostages write letter to the Germany Chancellor

Olaf Scholz

A group of former members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO), along with some families of the current members of this organization from Zanjan Province in Iran, wrote a letter to the Chancellor of Germany, which was delivered to the Embassy of the Federal Republic in Tehran.

The text of the letter is as follows:

His Excellency Mr. Olaf Scholz,
Honorable Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
Greetings and regards

We, a group of survivors from the MEK, as well as some of the families of the members of the MEK, who are currently captured in the camp known as Ashraf 3 in the city of Manez in Durres Province in Albania, under the control and domination of the MEK, led by Maryam Rajavi, from Zanjan, Iran, would like to inform you of the followings:
The MEK, which used to hold its main annual conference every year in Paris, France, was banned from holding this program by the French government and police since last year due to the nature of this group.

Now that the leaders of the MEK have failed to hold this program in France as well as in Albania, which is their headquarters, they plan to carry out the desired program on June 29, 2024 in Berlin, Germany, with the permission of your government, in order to deceive public opinion.
We, the signatories of this letter, in order to reveal the true nature of the leaders of the MEK, declare that this fraudulent group, by resorting to cultic methods with brainwashing, captures the soul and body of the members and abuses them for inhuman interests.

According to the testimony of a large number of survivors from this organization, many of the opposing members of this destructive cult were arrested, tortured and even executed by the direct orders of Masoud and Maryam Rajavi and were killed in the prisons of the MEK.

Despite the years of efforts of the old and expectant fathers and mothers, who have no desire but to meet their family members who are trapped in the MEK camp, they have always faced anger and wrath from the leaders of the MEK, and were not allowed even a minute to visit their families. The legal and human rights of the members of the MEK have been trampled under the feet of the leaders of this group.

The point to think about, which has caused the resentment of families and former members, is the acceptance of hosting the meeting of the MEK by the German government. The German government has given permission to the MEK to officially open offices there for illegal activities to deceive people and attract them to terrorist acts.
Mr. Federal Chancellor

What has been formed in the minds of us Iranians from your country is the existence of a rich history and culture that seriously fights terrorism. Unfortunately, the acceptance of the MEK and the issuance of a license to promote lie and deceit and murder by this destructive cult in Germany have challenged our opinion.

Our question is how the German government considers itself to be the leader in the fight against terrorism and the defense of human rights, but in practice, it puts its territory at the disposal of a terrorist and criminal group whose hands are stained with the blood of thousands of innocent people and even discontented members within itself?!

We emphasize that a number of rescued members of the MEK filed a complaint against the leaders of the MEK for torture, murder, genocide, deprivation of civil liberties and numerous crimes through the Tehran International Court Branch 55, which issued a definitive verdict in 39 pages. It was noted that the implementation of this ruling is followed up through international authorities. Also, there is a criminal trial going on in Iran regarding the filing of a lawsuit by a large number of families of terror victims against the leaders of the MEK.

We, far from any international political discussions, only as members and families affected by the crimes of the MEK, ask you not to allow the MEK to endanger the image of your country with their usual tricks and leave a bitter memory in our minds.

Thank you in advance for your attention:

List of signatures:
Rescued members of the MEK:
– Samad Eskandari
– Fathullah Eskandari
– Kamand Ali Azizi
– Rahim Qanbari
– Adam Karimi
– Nasser Almasi

The families of members in the MEK camp in Albania:
– Ghasemi
– Kamyab
– Jama’ti
– Sadeqi
– Mohebbi
– Kalantari
– Mohammadi
– Zakery
– Bagheri
– Karami Afzal
– Soleimani
– Afshar
– Borji
– Qadimi

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