Iran hails French raid on MKO terrorists’ headquarters near Paris

French raid on MEK headquarters near Paris

French police raid a main headquarters of the MKO terrorist group in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône near Paris, on June 12, 2024.

Iran’s top human rights official has hailed an attack by French police on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group’s main headquarters in a Paris suburb, saying there will be “no safe place for terrorists.”

In a post on X on Thursday, Kazem Gharibabadi, who serves as head of the Iranian Judiciary’s High Council for Human Rights, said the Islamic Republic welcomed the raid by the French police on MKO’s main headquarters in the Paris suburb of Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône that led to the sealing of the premises and the detention of at least three members of the group.

“We welcome the attack of the French police on the main headquarters of the MKO terrorist group, thorough inspection of the headquarters, the arrest of three members of the faction and the sealing of this headquarters. This operation was monitored live by Iran,” he said.

“Iran will leave no safe place for terrorists,” Gharibabadi asserted.

از حمله پلیس فرانسه به مقر اصلی گروهک تروریستی منافقین، بازرسی کامل مقر، بازداشت سه نفر از اعضای گروهک و پلمپ این مقر، استقبال می کنیم. این عملیات بطور زنده توسط ایران رصد می شد. هیچ مکان امنی برای تروریست ها باقی نخواهیم گذاشت.
— Gharibabadi (@Gharibabadi) June 13, 2024

Iran’s Tasnim news agency reported that France’s security forces on Wednesday raided the headquarters of the MKO – also known as the so-called People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) – and detained three of its members.

The raid occurred at a site housing MKO’s TV studio, the report said, adding that the group had to substitute live programming with archival content for several hours.

According to the report, security forces also seized a cache of weapons hidden in the headquarters, suggesting the persistent engagement in terrorist and criminal activities by this group.
50 Years later
50 Years later
MKO, founded initially on Islamic ideology and tilted toward Marxist armed struggle, later shifted to pure Marxism, with no Islamic Ideology, gaining widespread notoriety lasting up to the present day.

The MKO terrorist group is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iranian civilians during the past four decades.

The notorious group sided with Saddam Hussein during Iraq’s war with Iran in the 1980s but fell out of favor with Baghdad after he was toppled by a US-led invasion in 2003.

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