Final Statement of the Great Gathering of the Albanian Nejat Society

Nejat Albania's great gathering

At the end of the great gathering of the Albanian Nejat Society in Tirana on Sunday, June 23, 2024, a statement was read by the president of the society, and then its copies were signed by all the participants, which will be delivered to the authorities of the Ministry of Interior of Albania in the coming days.
The text of this statement is as follows:

Honorable people of Albania
About 7 years ago, the members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO) were brought to this country from Iraq in a humanitarian gesture by the Albanian government and were finally settled in a camp near the city of Manez in Durres province. But according to the statements of the Albanian government officials, the MEK did not fulfill its obligations and acted against the laws and regulations of Albania and became a threat to national security.

According to the testimony of those who managed to escape from the MEK camp in Albania and return to normal life under the support of the Albanian government, unfortunately, the leaders of the MEK violate the basic human rights of the members in this camp. The members are denied the right to marry and form a family, the right to communicate with the outside world, especially the family, and the right to choose their own destiny.

The Albanian Nejat Society was formed with the help of the families of the members of the MEK in Iran in order to support Iranians who were able to separate from this organization and return to normal life, as well as to draw the attention of the general public to the conditions inside the camp and to register it with the legal authorities of the Republic of Albania.
On June 20 of last year, Albanian police officers went to inspect this camp with a court order, but unfortunately, they faced a violent confrontation against this legal action of the police officers. The MEK’s violent confrontation against the police and the Albanian government revealed the terrorist nature of the leaders of the MEK to everyone in Albania.
The MEK claims to expand democracy and create the right to free choice for everyone, but in practice, in its relations in its camp in Durres, it does not give its members the least right of choice and freedom of speech.

Although this camp is inside the territory of Albania, but according to those who were previously stationed there, its control is absolutely in the hands of the leaders of the MEK and the Albanian government has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of the MEK camp in Durres.

While thanking and appreciating the responsible authorities in the Albanian government for the assistance and support provided and the conditions provided for the return of these people to normal life, the Albanian Nejat Society asks the Albanian government to fulfill its legal right in the MEK camp in apply the territory of Albania and take over the control of this camp and ensure compliance with the standards of human rights based on the human rights convention of the Council of Europe, of which Albania is one of the signatories.
In this regard, the Nejat Society of Albania is willing to cooperate and assist with the responsible authorities in the Albanian government.

Also, the Albanian Nejat Society requests the German government, which is hosting the meeting of the MEK this month, to reconsider this decision and not to allow an undemocratic group to use the democratic atmosphere of western countries to gain legitimacy and deceive people.
This statement is endorsed by the following signatories:

(list of signatures)

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