Albanian Police has bad news for the MEK high-ranking members

Albania Police

The Albanian news outlet, abcnews, reported that an internationally wanted Iranian man was arrested in the border in order to be extradited to Iran.
According to the announcement of Albanian police, an Iranian citizen who is wanted internationally was arrested at the entrance of RSH (Republic of Albania) in Kakavije in the Gjirokastër County, southern Albania. Mehran Kamalpour, 52 years old, born in Iran and a resident of Denmark, has been sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for the criminal offense of “Forgery of documents” by the Iranian judiciary.

The police announcement has an important point for the Mujahedin-Khalq (MEK) to state:
As a result of the intensification of controls and the exchange of information between Interpol Tehran and Interpol Tirana, the Border Police caught at the entrance of RSH, the Iranian citizen declared internationally wanted: Mehran Kamalpour, 52 years old, born in Iran and resident in Denmark. Following the procedural actions, the Section for the Investigation of Economic and Financial Crimes of DVP Gjirokastër arrested with the purpose of extradition to Iran, the citizen M. K., whom the Court of Tehran has sentenced to 2 years in prison, for the criminal offense of “Forgery of documents”.

Regarding the MEK who are Iranians living in Albania, it is worth to know that Mehran Kamalpour is an Iranian citizen prosecuted by a court in Iran for a criminal case. Currently, the criminal case against 104 high-ranking members of the MEK, with thousands of plaintiffs, under various criminal charges including forgery of confidential documents, is ongoing in the 11th branch of the Criminal Court No. 1 in Tehran.

The recent incident in the Albanian border means that in case of issuing a final verdict and according to the laws of extradition of criminals between countries, the criminal convicts will be easily arrested and returned to the original place the verdict is issued, i.e. Iran, with the intervention of the Interpol police.

The news of the arrest of an Iranian citizen on criminal charges of forging documents by the Kakavje police at the entrance of the Republic of Albania with the approach of extradition following the tightening of controls and the exchange of information between Interpol in Tehran and Interpol in Tirana will be bad news for the leaders of the MEK based in Albania.

The determination for cooperation with Iranian Police can be noticed in the announcement of the Albanian police. Low-ranking members trapped in the MEK’s camp in Durres province of Albania should try not to get involved in the issues of the group leaders. They should choose the option of leaving the isolated and barred camp of the Cult of Rajavi as soon as possible.

Mazda Parsi

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