End of the immunity: Holding MEK leaders accountable for crimes against humanity

Iranian judiciary's notice to MEK members

For many years, international appeasers have sheltered terrorists of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in their countries. Maryam Rajavi is among those who travel freely in some European countries, although the trial of 104 of Rajavi’s leaders and the MEK as an entity is ongoing in Tehran International Court. The MEK terrorists still have free hand in traveling in Europe. Although Maryam Rajavi cannot travel freely and because of these restrictions, she often participates in these so-called online conferences, but this also raises many questions.

The upcoming verdicts of the Tehran Court for 104 of the leaders of the group can provide a way to extradite the criminals and reduce the legal loopholes. Issuing international arrest warrants from the point of view of international law will close the way to the terrorist crimes of the MEK and will oblige the host countries to surrender to the extradition of the criminals of the group.

No matter how much million-dollar paid politicians try to purify the bloody face of Rajavi, they don’t know that they are dishonoring themselves the most. Most political figures and human rights activists believe that the leaders of this deadly and dangerous group take the gesture of human rights advocates, and instead of being accused and held accountable, they deceive people like Javaid Rehman to consider the MEK terrorist cult as an oppressed entity.

Court is the only path that will force the governments hosting terrorists to put aside political games and be accountable. The headquarters of the MEK in Albania is the place the Cult of Rajavi oppresses its own members on a daily basis. If anyone claims that the group is oppressed, just by staying in this place for two days and checking the conditions of its isolated members, they can easily come to the conclusion that the headquarters is a detention center, a prison for the elderly. The high fences there and the guards barricading the entrance doors, all indicate the compulsion to stay and an absolutely forced stay.

We, the MEK former members, ask the so-called human rights activists and supporters of the group, to visit this detention center of MEK members in the village of Manz, Albania. We ask them to visit the quarantines and the prisons inside the camp, interview with each and every member of the group, in a free atmosphere. Then, they will find out that everyone stays there by force. Due to the MEK’s cult-like doctrine, they cannot imagine a free life outside the mental and physical made by the Rajavis.

The Human rights are severely violated in every second in the MEK headquarters. Family contact, which is as easy as a phone call between the members and their families is prohibited by the group leaders. The most basic human rights are not respected in the Cult of Rajavi. Only certain people, including the 104 accused ones who are in the list of the MEK’s trial court, can travel freely. The rest are all imprisoned and do not have the right to voluntarily and freely move to normal society.

Now we are getting close to issuance of the verdicts of the court for the leaders of the MEK, international arrest warrants are coming soon, and it is not far that each and every criminal terrorist of the Cult of Rajavi will be extradited by the host country and summoned to a competent court. That will be the day when crimes of the MEK leaders for over 4 decades will be exposed. They will be brought to justice and their cult structure will be collapsed.

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