Conference: “Iran’s Fight Against Domestic and International Terrorism in the Multipolar World”

Modena Conference

On Saturday, October 12, the conference “Iran’s fight against domestic and international terrorism in the multipolar world” took place in Modena . Below is a brief report.

Beatrice De Maio, former city councilor of “Indipendenza”, opens the proceedings, outlining the gravity of the overall picture of the conflicts and the anguish that weighs on the conscience of everyone for the continuous massacre of civilians in the Gaza Strip. The audience is invited to a minute of silence to honor all the innocent victims or those belonging to the axis of the Resistance against Zionism in this senseless conflict.

The editor Stefano Bonilauri, as moderator, introduces the guests and gives an overview of the situation, referring for detailed elements to the Power Point that appears on the screen.

Maria Morigi, essayist:

The phenomenon of terrorism has its origins in Islamic Fundamentalisms, that is, Schools of thought born in large Universities that have elaborated ideological responses to the colonial predominance of the West (examples: the Taliban formed in the mid-nineteenth century in British India and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt). Today the accusation of terrorism is inflated: it applies to jihadist groups and movements, but it also applies to those States that through the Resistance represent a danger to the Atlanticist/Western order.

In 1999 MEK Program for “A Modern Islam” – full of logical inconsistencies and proclamations – a moderate progressive and democratic Islam is boasted, only to be financed. In reality MEK has introduced itself as a cult of personality, committed a very high number of crimes and is characterized by a strong sectarianism on which we have the testimony of Elizabeth Rubin of the New York Times in 2003 during a visit to Camp Ashraf in Iraq: MEK members must take a vow of eternal celibacy, those who are married must divorce, those who are not must swear not to do so and cannot have children; all couples are forced to divorce and their children are also separated from their parents and transferred to different European countries. The organization is centered on the role of women and the cult of personality of the leader Maryam Rajavi; girls are taught that “joining the sect is a journey towards self-empowerment and the enlightenment of martyrdom inspired by the wisdom of Maryam Rajavi”. Members are periodically subjected to self-criticism sessions in which they are filmed admitting to inappropriate behavior.

In the USA, the author of the removal of the MEK from the terrorist list was Hillary Clinton in 2012. In the commission Elizabeth Rubin argued, thanks to her experience, that the MEK should have been considered a terrorist organization, also for the certified activities of money laundering, arms and drug trade, prostitution market and minors with which the sponsors are financed.

Mohammad Javad Hasheminejad, Habilian – Association of Iranian Families of Victims of Terrorism (online intervention from Iran)

Son of a victim of terrorism in Iran. His father died in an attack by a member of the MEK in 1981. MEK leader Mariam Rajavi claimed responsibility for the attack.

Hasheminejad gives a chronology of the MEK organization, founded in 1969 to fight against the Iranian regime (of the Shah). Two years after the 1979 revolution, a series of attacks against important state officials began. The MEK attracted many followers, including many young people. After the alliance with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, they increased the number of attacks. After the death of Saddam Hussein, their plan to hide their responsibilities in the past attacks and present themselves as promoters of peace was discovered. The MEK members themselves have suffered violence from the leaders (Massoud Rajavi), so much so that today it is unbearable to see how this organization presents itself as “seeking peace” and that under this cover it commits other crimes. Through their presence in other countries, they seek to damage foreign relations with Iran. They were expelled by the Iraqi government and took refuge in Albania. Before that, relations between Iran and Albania were excellent. Albania has also realized the problems caused by this organization and is trying to limit its activity. There is a risk that the MEK will move its operational base from Albania to Italy. Despite everything, Iran-Italy relations are good and Italian politicians should be careful and prevent the MEK from moving to Italy. If their presence in Italy strengthens, Iran-Italy relations could worsen.

Erisa Rahimy , President of the Nejat Albania Association , to help MEK defectors.

Erisa is the wife of an Iranian interned in Camp Ashraf 3 who escaped by renouncing the movement, so, through her husband’s testimonies, she knows firsthand the situation of the internees and refugees. The audience in the room greatly appreciated Erisa’s speech.

Eriza reports that MEK members are subjected to continuous brainwashing and cannot have any contact with their families or outside the organization except through a permit that is rarely granted. Those who leave are strictly controlled. Those who escape become one of their worst enemies. In fact, the MEK organization represents a state in itself in Albania and the Albanian government has no power to control their camp. The abuses that are perpetrated there are out of the sight of politicians, the police and army.

Abolfazl Emami, Shiite religious authority.

Terrorism and Islam from an etymological point of view.

Terror comes from Latin and means “to make tremble”. The spread of terror in society brings fear into the souls of people. Terrorism, denied by the Koran, uses psychological warfare, even before weapons. The MEK terrorists are not only those who killed 17,000 people in Iran, but also those who destabilized Iran with mass protests largely supported by the media campaign and Western aid. Terrorism is also exercised through the action of governments that spread terror and above all through propaganda.

Islam means “to cure, to heal, to bring peace and calm”. To do this, you need well-being and mental serenity. Those who kill innocents in the name of Islam not only commit a crime against a society, but they kill Islam itself and it is as if they killed everyone. When an innocent person is killed without reason, no one is safe anymore, but the entire community is in danger. The Koran respects every religion and professes a religion of peace and security. Today, what is happening in Lebanon and Palestine is a form of state terrorism. Instead, with regard to internal terrorism, it must be recognized that Iran has defeated it and that regional terrorism in Iraq and Syria has been defeated alongside Russia and Hezbollah.

Gianni Alemanno, Secretary of Independence.

The fable of weapons of mass destruction in possession of Iraq was a total lie to justify the armed intervention. Today, in Palestine everything is justified since October 7, which was followed by a year of massacres. This is terrorism. The attitude of Minister Crosetto who now discovers a war crime is embarrassing. The real target of this war is not the Palestinians, but Iran. Iran is accused of being a supporter of terrorism. This is dangerous because it can lead to world war. The sovereignists must fight Islamophobia at a European level. Islamophobia is a very dangerous evil. It is a mechanism fueled by wars, but also by everyday life. All religions must be respected.

We are living the transition to a multipolar world. It is desired that every civilization in this world can live without interference in internal affairs. In BRICS, the difference between the various civilizations and the mutual respect for this difference is exalted. This is how Europe can return to being itself: in a multipolar world. With this objective, dialogue with the Islamic world is fundamental.

Hanieh Tarkian, professor of Islamic studies.

Definition of the term “rogue state” which is a term invented by Reagan. What do these states have in common? The fact that they do not want American interference in their countries and that they help other states to maintain legitimate independence and to safeguard the autonomy of their own thought and institutions.

However, if we look closely in the Middle East, the rogue state is precisely the USA that supported ISIS terrorism in Syria or the Mojhaeddin in Afghanistan or Al Qaeda in Yemen (many Yemenis from Al Qaeda then fought in Syria). The United States, the true supporters of terrorism, consistently assassinated General Soleimani who actually fought terrorism and represented the moderate and balanced fulcrum of diplomatic actions and agreements to reach a pacification and save the victims of Zionist and warmongering ambitions. In Palestine, over 40,000 civilians were killed, but we realize a war crime for a few shots against an Italian base in Lebanon.

Dr. Tarkian also recalls that the Iranian Constitution clearly states that support for oppressed peoples is provided.

Mary Morigi

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