In 1982, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) terrorist group abducted a shoemaker named Abbas Effatravash, whose wife was a supporter of the Islamic Republic, from his shop and subjected him to torture.
According to Habilian, the information obtained through interrogations by the Islamic Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office in 1982 revealed the details of this crime.

MEK terrorist group abducted a shoemaker named Abbas Effatravash
Based on this document, the MEK central command ordered that the shoemaker, whose wife was a supporter of the Islamic Republic, be kidnapped and interrogated for information. To this end, the MEK reconnaissance team, disguised as members of the Islamic Revolution Committees, went to the shoemaker’s house at 10 PM and asked for him. Since the shoemaker was not home, they went to his shop near his house and asked him to come with them to the Committee to answer a few questions. The shoemaker, unaware of the situation, agreed and was taken by the operational unit in a car to a pre-prepared building. Upon entering the house, the shoemaker was subjected to torture, and after extensive torture on the first day, it was revealed that he was unaware of everything, and what the central command had said about him was untrue. Despite his pleas and after extensive torture on the first day, it became clear that he had no information, contradicting what the MEK centra command had claimed. Nevertheless, the torture continued until he was killed.