In general, you can divide MEK supporters into two categories.
The first, the majority, are those who never ever spent a day in the MEK ranks, especially during their time in Iraq at Camp Ashraf. I don’t mean fancy guest-like visits, where they were treated like kings and queens and wined and dined by MEK officials. I mean the real cult life, where they had to wake up at 5:30 AM every day, forced to pray and carry out other Islamic rituals, take part in cruel and inhumane self-criticism meetings and ideological teachings and being shouted at and ridiculed, 16 hour work days under the scorching summer heat, being completely disconnected from the outside world without access to internet and phones, not being able to freely see family members, even within the camp, being forbidden from connecting with family outside of the camp, being forced to worship the cult leaders like religious figures, and much much more. You get the idea. They didn’t spend a single day in the MEK!
The second group, maybe two handfuls, are those who were actually members of the MEK at a certain period of time. Almost all for a very short period of time. Yet very soon realized the reality of the cruelty and brutality of the cult life and escaped with promises of leaving and continuing support for the MEK from afar.
If you ask the first group why don’t they join the MEK if they are so good and just and worthy of your support? You’ll get answers like:
– I didn’t have the courage to join, especially in a warzone like Camp Ashraf
– I am not worthy and competent enough to be an MEK member. They are the most honest and selfless individuals, which I am not (they don’t say the last part out loud of course).
– I have family and children and other personal obligations.
So the MEK is good, or “too good” for you to join and officially become a member? Got it.
If you ask the second group why they left the MEK, if they’re so good? You’ll get answers like:
– I couldn’t bear their organization and structure.
– That lifestyle isn’t for me and I can’t devote and sacrifice so much.
– I was scared and didn’t want to lose my life.
So again, the MEK is good, but you can’t bear the good or “too good” conditions and ultimately leave and go back to your normal life? Got it.
The majority of MEK supporters haven’t spent a single day in the MEK, yet are all over social media “debunking” facts and harassing and attacking any individual, like me, who criticizes and speaks truth about this cult. They get their information from second and third hand sources while I stand here as a living witness to MEK crimes and willing to testify in any international or fair court.
The next time you come across one of them, simply just ask them why they don’t go and join the MEK if they are all that they claim they are?
Mohamamd Reza Torabi