Home » Mujahedin Khalq Organization's Propaganda System » The spit in the wind of MEK under the title of Mr. Mohammadian letter

The spit in the wind of MEK under the title of Mr. Mohammadian letter

Rahman Mohammadian

The Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO) has claimed on its websites that Mr. Abdorrahman Mohammadian, a former member of the organization, wrote a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and, according to the MEK, confessed that he had been paid for lying intentionally and knowingly for six years, and now he has suddenly changed and has appeared in the guise of an honest witness and wants to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
In the letter attributed to Mr. Mohammadian, first the scribe’s credentials as an honest witness are strongly questioned and then baseless and unsubstantiated matters are stated without providing any evidence or proof. In this letter, information is provided from Mr. Mohammadian, which is quite clear that it is a repetition of the MEK’s blatant lies of the past years, with the same usual language. The organization has not changed its rotten methods in these years.

The letter mentions the names of a large number of former members of the MEK and their Albanian friends, and claims without providing any evidence that they are all employees of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence. This claim is made so categorically that it seems as if the author has a personnel list of all the employees of the Ministry of Intelligence and has access to important documents.

His previous writings, including Mr. Mohammadian’s book of memoirs, are in possession, and the literary and substantive difference between the current writing and his past writings is clearly evident. In his previous writings, Abdorrahman Mohammadian argues logically and cites examples and witnesses from his experiences within the MEK, examples that have been confirmed by hundreds of other former MEK members, but in the latest writing, in the same manner and illogical language of the MEK, he accuses anyone who disagrees without providing any evidence.

If we were to respond to each of the claims contained in this letter, it would be beyond the scope of this article and unnecessary, because the public and international organizations are fully familiar with the malicious tricks and tactics of the leaders of the Rajavi Cult (MEK) and have gained sufficient knowledge of this organization and its deceptive methods. However, we will mention some points below:
Mr. Abdorrahman Mohammadian did not mention in his letter about his departure from Albania, the time of his departure, and what happened to him after leaving Albania. He left Albania in February 2023, more than two years ago, without informing his friends, and went to Greece. Later, he stated that the reason for his departure was that the way back to Iran from Albania, where he had been eager to go, was closed. Apparently, after a year in Greece, this was not achieved and he decided to go to Germany. Of course, he posted his travel route on social media without observing confidentiality issues and shared it with his friends, which certainly made the MEK aware of this issue.

He announced on his Facebook page on December 29, 2024, by posting a picture that he was on the border between Slovakia and Hungary.

After this incident, which naturally alerted the leaders of the MEK to his attempt to illegally enter Slovakia, he was arrested and imprisoned in the country. After enduring more than a year of captivity in difficult conditions, the MEK approached him through a lawyer and, promising to release him from this predicament, presented him with a letter prepared by the Rajavi Cult, promising to seek his release on condition that it is published. He had experienced such exploitation by the MEK once again, when he was in a prisoner of war camp in Iraq. After the ceasefire was declared and due to the extremely bad conditions in the camp and the unknown fate of the prisoners, he fell into the trap of their envoy and his false promises without knowing anything about the MEK and went to Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

However, the analysis of the incident can be found at the end of Mr. Mohammadian’s letter, written by the leaders of the Rajavi’s Cult, to see what the real issue was. In this letter, the MEK actually railed against the establishment of the Albanian Nejat Society and its registration, as well as the production of the documentary “Mother, Love, Separation” and screening it in Albania, and attempted to denounce these cases after months of silence through the words of a prisoner trapped in a European country.

In this letter, regarding the President of the Albanian Nejat Society, it is claimed that “Erisa Idrizi married Sarfaraz Rahimi in 2017 and the Ministry of Intelligence employed her as a translator in the “ASILA Association” and announced the fake gathering of the “ASILA Women’s Association” with her. In 2024, Idrizi traveled to Doha, Qatar, with Aldo Sollulari, where they interviewed Soraya Abdollahi and several other intelligence agents who introduced themselves as disgruntled families of the MEK, and made a documentary in Albanian called “Mother, Love, Separation” which was completely false and was shown in Albanian cities to defame the MEK.”

Now the real agony of the MEK is revealed. Has Mr. Mohammadian seen the documentary “Mother, Love, Separation” which he declares to be “completely false”? Was he in Albania at the time of announcing the formation of the Albanian Nejat Society and preparing the relevant documentary, speaking so firmly about these two issues? If he could just state one instance of this “completely false”, for example, something was said that was a lie and the truth is another thing. It would be closer to the truth that he would submit to the illegitimate demands of the MEK under pressure, as he did in the past during his captivity in Iraq and now in captivity in Slovakia.

The reality is that the MEK is currently in a deadly impasse. The leader “Massoud Rajavi” has been missing for more than two decades. The head of the organization, Maryam Rajavi, along with about 100 people, preferred to flee before the turning point of 20th June 2023, and settled in Paris, leaving the headless body of the MEK in Albania to continue living in the illusion of fighting the Iranian regime, far from the real world, and from time to time the news of the death of one of them results the pain of their families.

Mr. Mohammadian’s letter will definitely not cure any of the countless pains of this bankrupt and exhausted organization. They should think of a fundamental solution. The best thing to do, so that at least the curse of the families is not behind them anymore, is to release those trapped in the Manez camp so that they can communicate with their families and not waste their lives for nothing anymore.

Nejat Society Albania – Tirana

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