Iraq not a secure base for MKO

Iraq not a secure base for Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (Rajavi cult or MKO) against Iran

In an interview with FNA foreign policy correspondent Iraqi ambassador in Tehran considered the MKO terrorist group as the ancient enemy of Both Iraqi and Iranian nations. Muhammad Majid Al-sheik also said: We won’t ever let Iraq to become a secure base for those who intend to harm Iraq’s neighbors specifically Iran.

Meanwhile in response to the question that why MKO is not deported from Iraq, Al-sheik clarified: The Iraqi government has always insisted on their expulsion from the country based on the constitution; but the remaining problem is that they’re not welcomed by any other countries due to their evil bloody history.

"We will soon make them leave Iraq if another country accepts to let them in" He added." We also express our readiness to help repatriate to Iran those members who have the intention of getting back to their homeland in accordance with ICRC.

At the end the Iraqi ambassador notified: The families of those imprisoned in Ashaf can file petitions and deliver it to Iraq’s embassy via Iran’s ministry of foreign affairs. Then we will send the petitions to Iraq’s foreign ministry so that the families could follow the case in Iraq in accordance with Iran’s embassy in Iraq

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