Nowruzi family plead for justice to the Iraqi judicial authorities

Nowruzi family plead for justice to the Iraqi judicial authorities against the MKO about the mysterious murder of late Sa’id Nowruzi in camp Ashraf

Nowruzi sisters (Elham, Susan, Simin, and Soheyla) urge the Iraqi authorities to investigate on suspicious death of their brother in camp Ahsraf in Iraq 

Honourable judicial authority of the Republic of Iraq 

On July 1985 Sa’id moved to Paris in relation to his activities with the MKO and on 1986 he was taken to Iraq. On the year 1990 when compulsory divorce inside the organisation was introduced to him he rejected the idea. He was not married but he could not accept cultic ideas of the leadership. On June 2003 his sisters who were in constant contact with the organisation were informed about her death. He was 38 when he died. Many individuals both inside and outside Iran have observed that Sa’id was dissatisfied inside the organisation and how he was murdered. Mr Javad Firuzmand, a defected veteran member of the MKO, is one example. He is one of the persons who saw Sa’id’s body with one bullet on his chest and the other on his head. But his body was burned later and they said his car was on fire.

They first informed his sisters that he was killed as the result of bombings during the second gulf war and this was what they published in their weekly and called him a martyr. Then they said that he was killed during clashes with Iranian forces. But later they claimed that one agent of the Iranian regime who had infiltrated into the organisation hit him from the back and escaped. They even once mentioned committing suicide.

He used to send letters to his family covertly and let them know that he wants to dispatch from the MKO and sought help and of course he did not want this to be disclosed since he knew that the organisation would harass him. The letters of Sa’id Nowruzi are available and could be presented anytime anywhere. Sa’id was once sent to Europe on a task from Ashraf camp on 1994 where he managed to send some letters to his family and seek their help but he was sent back to Iraq immediately. Once he had packed his case to leave but he was threatened that if he goes his family in Iran would be killed so he changed his mind.

Once they claimed that a manual missile launcher called RPG7 was aimed to his car and his body had totally been burned and another time they said that he was lying in his car when an infiltrated person from the Iranian services shot at him and killed him. Many stories have been told about his death but his body or a picture of his body has never been shown to his family. Eyewitnesses say that the person who shot at him escaped towards inside Iraq. If he was an Iranian agent he must have fled towards the Iranian border.

According to information obtained from eyewitnesses Sa’id was murdered by direct order of his commander Zohreh Qa’emi since he was opposing the organisation. She had ordered to burn Sa’id’s body in a car. In one occasion Zohreh Qa’emi had expressed her view that it would be right to leave Sa’id’s body in the desert for the hyenas to eat. Some say that when Zohreh Qa’emi was asked about Sa’id she responded that on one should talk about him and more. He was threatened to death many times. He was imprisoned and tortured several times. They say that he had plans to escape from there.

Witnesses say that Mozhgan Parsa’i and Fahimeh Arvani with the help of some others have put Sa’id under enormous psychological pressure through inhuman sessions called”current operation”until he changed his mind about deciding to leave the organisation. Apparently Mas’ud and Maryam Rajavi were following Sa’id’s case personally and they directly ordered confining, interrogating, torturing and eventually murdering him.

His family are demanding to be able to go to his grave in Ashraf camp and take whatever left from his body to his home country to be buried. They also request that full investigation be carried out about his suspicious death.

Sahar Family Foundation, May 01, 2008