The US policy rejects contacts with Mojahedin Khalq

On Saturday, they gathered to call on the European Union and the United States to remove what they called unjust terrorist label from MKO immediately. Yes, they want it, or rather order, to be soon and immediately. It is typical of Mojahedin-e Khalq that they become bolder and want more if being granted, not gaining as it might be their right, something that changes nothing in general.

They have also some supporters in the Congress who have been calling for the US to back terror groups in Iran. There are reports that indicate that this program has already been in place for years. It was nearly two months ago that Ret. Gen. Thomas McInerney in a Fox News appearance publicly called for the US government to support groups like MKO (Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization), which is listed by the State Department as a terrorist organization, and carry out deadly bombings in Iran. He already knew about the true nature and terrorist potentialities of MKO as know the EU member governments, including the UK.

But, the UK government still considers MKO a terrorist group, in spite of being defeated in a long court battle, as does the US. In the State Department’s issuedDaily Press Briefingon June 30, Tom Casey, Deputy Spokesman, reiterated that the US government’s policy is not to engage in any contacts with terrorist groups like MKO:

QUESTION: Just to follow up on the same story. (Inaudible) also outlines that the U.S. had – may encourage or had some contacts with some of the dissident groups, including Mujahedin-e Khalq and the PJAK. Can you formulate a comment on this?

MR. CASEY: Including, sorry, which groups?

QUESTION: The PJAK, which is an extension of the PKK and the Mujahedin-e Khalq.

MR. CASEY: Yeah. Well, you know, our policy is not to engage or have discussions or contacts with terrorist groups. The MEK is a terrorist group, and certainly we don’t – aren’t engaged in any kinds of conversations or discussions with them.

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