Iraqi Stances toward Mujahdein and Camp Ashraf

Iraqi Stances toward Rajavi cult and Camp Ashraf

Iraqi government spokesman reported of issuance of arrest warrants for some MEK leaders in his country.

According to Al-Jazeera News Channel, Ali Al-Dabbagh said the arrest warrants were issued because of the interference of MEK leaders in Iraqi affairs and also threatening Iraqi officials by phone.

Speaking in a press conference, he added: “Iraq doesn’t want to expel the MEK members by force; however, their presence in Iraq is against the constitution.”

“The organization has committed many crimes, identified and announced by Iraqi security services.”

“We don’t want to expel them by force, but we try to find another country to transfer them to with agreement,” he said.

Emphasizing the fact that terrorist MKO’s presence in Iraq is unacceptable, the head of Iraq Unity Coalition said that the group’s activities in Iraq are illegal.

According to Mehr News, quoting Aswat Al-Iraq website, Seyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, speaking at a gathering commemorating the martyrdom of Seyed Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, invited all Iraqis to participate in the elections for Provinces’ Councils and added: “This terrorist group is in Iraq without having legal and international reasons”.

Accusing the group of cooperation with the former Ba’th regime in killing Iraqis, Hakim said: “The group tries to ignite ethnic differences in Iraq and has declared its hostility toward the elected Parliament and government.”

“Iraqi constitution stresses that the country should not become a base for enemies. There’s no doubt that the requirements of Constitution and government are aimed at independence and sovereignty of the country.”

During 80s, Terrorist MKO chose Camp Ashraf in Diali province as its base and cooperated with former Iraqi regime during imposed war against Iran.

Iraqi government, reviewing the presence of this terrorist group in Iraq and its interferences in its internal affairs, made decisions against it.

An Iraqi MP, referring to Iraqi government’s decisions to expel the group, stressed that all Iraqi officials and agencies agree with these decisions.

Najaf’s Friday prayer leader said the presence of MEK in Iraq violated the sovereignty of this country.

According to Buratha News website, Sadr al-Din Ghabanchi, Friday prayer leader of Najaf in Iraq, pointed to the cooperation of terrorist MEK with Saddam’s security and intelligence services and in suppressing Iraqi people’s uprising (particularly in 1991) and said: “MEK is under the U.S. protection in Iraq and this violates Iraqi sovereignty.”

According to a British newspaper, Pentagon and U.S. agencies have been frequently in touch with MKO and a special unit, created by Bush to destabilize Iran, is cooperating with it.

According to [The] Independent, this terrorist group enraged the Iraqi government by staging a conference last month at Camp Ashraf, north-east of Baghdad.

"It was a huge meeting" said Dr Othman. "All the tribes and political leaders who are against Iran, but are also against the Iraqi government, were there." He said the anti-Iranian meeting could not have taken place without US permission.

In reaction to the conference, the Iraqi government, the US and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have started secret talks on the future of the MEK with the Iraqi government pressing for their expulsion from Iraq.

Dr Othman, who speaks to the MEK frequently by phone, said: "I pressed them to get out of Iraq voluntarily because they are a card in the hands of the Americans."

Iraq will be plunged into a new war if Israel or the US launches an attack on Iran, Iraqi leaders have warned. Iranian retaliation would take place in Iraq, said Dr Mahmoud Othman, the influential Iraqi MP.

Terrorist MKO settled in Camp Ashraf in Diali province since 80s and cooperated with Iraqi government during imposed war against Iran.

Iraqi government has discussed the presence of the group in Iraq, making decisions in 6 articles against them.

An Iraqi MP, referring to the government’s decision to expel the MKO, stressed that all Iraqi officials are unanimous on the issue. Seyed Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the head of SCIRI, also called the presence of the group in Iraq illegal and asked for immediate expulsion of this terrorist group from Iraq.

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