London based Sky News airs MKO Terrorists show

London based Sky News airs Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists show as UK demands Iran halt activities for Israel

Sky News airs Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists show after lifting ban

An MKO member has criticized the Islamic Republic in a televised interview in a first move since the reversal of the UK ban on the group.

Azam Mollahassani Majdabadi Farahani Kohneh alias Leila Jazayeri appeared in a live program on Sky News television Sunday and severely took to task the Iranian government.

She accused Iran of violating human rights and meddling in the internal affairs of its neighbors.

This has been the first appearance of a member of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) since a British court ruling ordered the reversal of the UK ban on the organization.

The MKO is listed as a terrorist group by much of the international community, including the US. The group has claimed responsibility for numerous terror attacks against Iranian officials and civilians.

During the program, Jazayeri claimed the Iranian government executes and stones people on a daily basis.

She also said the country’s economy has collapsed, alleging that nearly 85 percent of the Iranian people live below the poverty line and demand a regime change.

The MKO member called on Western governments, in particular Britain, to support the overthrow of the Iranian government by Mariam Rajavi, a leader of the outlaw group.

Leila Jazayeri has been involved in several violent acts against the disaffected MKO members.

She has also disrupted several meetings wherein participants were believed to be critics of MKO policies. She is known to have several criminal court records in European countries for assault and injury, fraud and other charges.

Press TV, London, July 21, 2008

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