The letter of the 8 recent survivors of Rajavi cult

The letter of the 8 recent survivors of Rajavi cult who have managed to get themselves out of Iraq and into Europe

On Tuesday July 22, 2008, eight survivors of the Rajavi cult, who have managed to get themselves out of Iraq and into Europe, attended a meeting in the US embassy in Paris and presented a letter in support of the people who are left back in Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

The names of the newly arrived survivors of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation terrorist training camp in Iraq – who are protected by the US administration against the will of the Iraqi government – will be kept in confidence at the request of their lawyers and the French police because of fears for their safety.

Rahai Association of Netherlands is proud to announce that the association was involved in helping the new arrivals of the camp and joined them in the meeting.

The names and the stories of every individual will be announced in future along with the stories about the inhuman way the Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) has tried to control and suppress them during their stay inside the camp.


July 24, 2008

Address: prinsesseweg 44-1

9717 BK Groningen


Telefoon: 0031624236194

Fax: 0031505798923



Ambassador Craig Roberts Stapleton

US Embassy in France

2, avenue Gabriel

75382 Paris Cedex 08


Your Excellency,

In our introduction we must first express our gratitude to members of the American armed forces in Iraq who helped us to escape from the clutches of the Iranian terrorist cult, Mojahedin-e Khalq (MeK), after the group was disarmed in 2003.

We are representing people who want to leave Camp Ashraf, individuals like ourselves who are desperate to get out of the MeK as a terrorist organisation.

We have now reached the safety of Europe after enduring a difficult struggle to get here. We are disappointed that while American forces did nothing to hinder our eventual freedom, nothing was done in any way to help us get to safety and return to normal life.

It is because of this situation that we promised our friends that once we were safe we would speak on behalf of those yet to escape. As the personal representative of President George Bush, we appeal to you to take our message to the heart of your government.

We were greatly disappointed by the closure of the TIPF at Camp Ashraf, Iraq in May this year. This has made it almost impossible for anyone else to leave the MeK and turn their back on terrorism and violence. The US government makes bold statements about the ‘war on terror’. What happens when those involved desperately want to turn their back on terrorism and return to normal life? Does the Administration have no responsibility toward them when they are under your protection?

Instead of helping those who abandon violence as a way of life, American forces are deliberately protecting the infrastructure of the MeK terror group in Iraq. Your government is fully aware of the conditions inside Camp Ashraf. The incidences of unrest, violence and suicides speak of desperate dissatisfaction among those trapped inside the MeK’s hegemony. Yet, for five years your soldiers have been giving protection to both the environment and the individuals which perpetuate this suffering.

American soldiers essentially washed their hands of us once removing us from TIPF. It has been through good fortune and our own efforts that a number of us have reached Europe and gained our freedom. Your government has failed in a moral responsibility to aid those who turn their backs on terrorism.

What will you do now to help others who want to leave the MeK?

The Iraqi government has repeatedly demanded the removal of all foreign terrorist groups from their country. In this respect, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has recently discovered that Iran will no longer accept any ex-MeK from Iraq. Those who protest loudly that the people in Camp Ashraf are in imminent danger of being expelled to Iran and rounded up and executed are plainly wrong. There is no way they can return to their families, even if they want to. This is because your government has failed to dismantle the group over five years and give everyone in the camp the minimum of freedom to decide their own fate.

If you had, we are sure you would have no more than a few hundred loyal terrorists on your hands at this time. Instead, you are forced to remove 3,300 unformed combatants which since 1997 your government has designated as terrorists, from Camp Ashraf under utmost secrecy and maximum security to an unknown location.

There are tens of hundreds who would willingly leave the MeK if they had a minimum of help. We ask you in the name of their families, in the name of human rights and in the name of morality to give them that help.

Yours sincerely

On behalf of our friends in Camp Ashraf, Iraq

Rahai Association, July 24, 2008

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