Symposium of Nejat Society in Tehran

One day symposium of the Nejat Society in Tehran, Monday 28 July 2008

In a one day symposium held on 2008-07-28 by the Nejat Society in Tehran, the members and the associates of the society as well as the families of members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) captive inside the Ashraf Camp in Iraq gathered from different provinces demanding the free access of the families to their children in Iraq.

Initially in this symposium Mr. Ebrahim Khodabandeh a former member of the international relations department of the MKO in the UK discussed two topics which were the de-proscription the MKO in Britain and the recent resolution passed by the Iraqi governments which indicates that the control of the Ashraf Camp must be handed over to the Iraqi authorities. He pointed out that the families have suffered most from the latest decision made by the British government since the MKO needs to show false victories to its followers to further control their minds and keep them captive for longer periods. Khodabandeh emphasized that if the British government intends to play the role of Saddam Hussein for the MKO, one has to expect more catastrophes to occur which would result to more victims on both sides. He stressed that protesting against the decision made by the British government is quite essential as far as the families are concerned.

About the resolution of the Iraqi government on the MKO based on the Iraqi constitution, Khodabandeh gave some detailed explanations and finally demanded the Iraqi government to ensure that the items of the resolution are fulfilled as soon as the control of Ashraf Camp is handed over to the Iraqi government. He emphasized that the families do not accept any delay for a direct and free visit with their beloved ones when the Iraqi government holds control over Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

Khodabandeh pointed out that when the former regime in Iraq was toppled, there were hops that the families could have free access to their relatives in Iraq. They were disappointed when they released that there are other forces who intend to use the group the same way Saddam Hussein did. He explained that when the MKO is de-listed in Britain the worrying of the families have become doubled and they have the fear that their beloved ones might be used as tools of terror again. He said that the families expect the Iraqi government to end their sufferings and facilitate direct and continuous meetings with the relatives in the Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

Next Mr. Arash Sametipour the international relations secretary of the Nejat Society explained about the recent activities of the Society in connection with the Iraqi government and efforts made to pave the way to let the families visit their beloved ones in Iraq. He then answered the families’ questions in this regard and expressed that the Iraqi government must facilitate the immediate and direct connection of the families in Iran with their relatives in Iraq once they had control over the Ashraf Camp and its inhabitants.

After the session was terminated, the participants moved to outside the British Embassy in Tehran and made a gathering opposite to the main entrance to protest against the decision made by the British government to remove the name of the MKO from the list of terrorist groups in that country.

Families gave slogans such as”there is no good or bad terrorism”,”down with Rajavi”and”free meetings are our just right”and they condemned legitimizing a terrorist cult which in the first hand has mentally captured its own members and followers.

According to Nejat reporter from opposite the British Embassy in Tehran, the participants were carrying banners with writings such as”do not sacrifice our children for state terrorism”and”the Saddam’s terrorists are now employed by the British government”.

The participants also signed a resolution in the form of a letter addressed to the British Prime Minister Mr. Gordon Brown and protested against the decision made by the British government to de-proscribe the group.

Foreign reporters as well as representatives from humanitarian and international organizations were present in this gathering that made talks with some of the 200 families present at the scene.

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