Mojahedin Khalq to be put in UK terrorist list once again

Lawmaker: Mojahedin Khalq (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) to be put in UK terrorist list once again

An Iranian lawmaker said here Friday that the terrorist Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) will be put in the UK terrorist list once again.

Member of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Javad Karimi said a number of the UK parliamentarians had in a meeting with several members of his Commission said the UK parliament and government will follow the European Union in putting the MKO in their terrorist list once again soon.

The `Habilian Center’, which groups bereaved families of those martyred in terrorist incidents, quoted Karimi as saying that current term of Majlis has become more diplomatically active than its predecessors and intends to make maximum use its potential.

He hoped that London will soon rectify its past mistake so that suitable bilateral relations are built.

As for Iran’s parliamentary diplomacy to secure the MKO expulsion from Iraq, Karimi said on Iraqi people’s request, the issue of MKO expulsion from Iraq has become an axis of the Iran-Iraq diplomacy over the past years and this is the point on which Iraqi resident, prime minister and lawmakers have repeatedly laid emphasis.

He said Americans try to prevent materialization of the goal but judicially speaking, they are not in a much influential position and not much time remains until MKO expulsion from Iraq.

After the MKO members’ expulsion from Iraq, Iran will follow up the issue of the grouplet leaders’ hand over to Iranian judicial authorities and if necessary, they should be tried at the Hague as war criminals.

On the MKO activities in Jordan, he said since they know they will be expelled from Iraq, the MKO try to go to Jordan.

Despite a few number of Jordanian policy makers’ support for the MKO, the Jordanian government and nation are not willing to keep a number of notorious terrorists, he concluded.

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