MKO‘s propaganda Machine

There are some special phrases usually used by MKO members and supporters such as “ democratic alternative”, ”democracy in Iran”, ”human rights”, ”freedom” … torepresent a misleading image of the cult of Rajavi but as Michael Rubin exactly defines them :” Many “monsters of the left” use the rhetoric of democracy to realize their ambition. Masud and Maryam Rajavi and the organization over which they exertdictatorial control, are no exception.”

In 2005, when the Human Rights Watch published the detailed report on human right abuses committed by MKO, the organization launched a large champagne to say that the report was due to a plot between the HRW and the agents ofIranian regime! And of course the HRW didn’t stay quiet and gave a response to such allegations. According to MKO’s ideology anyone who is not with MKO is with the Islamic Republic.

MKO’s disinformation quest is working hard to deceive European and American politic men by their propaganda including their campagne to remove the name of the cult from the UK’s terrorist list. They are still on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations although they allege that MKO was listed as a terrorist group due to Clinton’s appeasement policy towards Iran.

Although there are some allegations on the clandestine support of some Pentagon officials for MKO but you never forget that in his pre-invasion speech before the American operation against Iraq, President Bush said: “Iraq shelters terrorist groups including Muajhedin-e-Khalq, which has used terrorist violence against Iran and in the 1970’s was responsible for killing several US military personnel and US civilians.”

The MKO exaggeration policy is also an important factor to run their propaganda machine .When in MKO websites the number of the participants in one of the groups gathering is reported as 40’000, the credible news agencies such as Washington Times reports 300 participants.

Therefore MKO’s propaganda machine distorts the truth, fabricates false information, repeats and exaggerates the clearly known realities.

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