Mujahedin presence in Iraq is illegal

Iraqi Ambassador to Tehran Abu Heidar al-Sheikh said on Saturday that Iraq would not sign any deal with US, unless it will meet interests of the Iraqi nation and those of all neighboring states.

In an exclusive interview with IRNA, he said there are lots of unresolved issues on a security pact between Iraq and the US which should be reviewed and that signing a deal at this juncture is out of question.

Any agreement should get approval of the Iraqi parliament, he underlined.

Iraqi religious leaders should also put seal of approval prior to signing any security pact with the US, he pointed out.

The Iraqi nation has the final say in all affairs and its consent is required, he said.

White House officials have declared that if Iraq refuses to sign the security pact with the US, they will freeze Iraq’s assets, he said.

Iraq has asked Iran and the US to attend the fourth round of talks on Iraq’s security, he said, adding that "We are waiting to hear comments from both sides."

He called for promotion of jointly run projects as well as investment of Iranian companies in Iraq to help reconstruct the war-shattered country.

Denouncing bloody war between Iran and Iraq, he said the war between the two countries was masterminded by Saddam Hussein and his oppressive regime and the Iraqi nation had no role in it.

On presence of MKO members in Iraq, he said "We believe that they are against the Iraqi and Iranian nations and should leave the country. Their presence in Iraq is totally illegal."

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