The Guarding Constitution Department of Westfalen province, Germany, on PMOI

The report reads that the sympathizers of MKO/PMOI in Germany are about 900 people and in Westfalen province the number mounts to 400 people. The report declares their organization as Mujahedin, their TV channel as NTV in London saying that their activities on internet are multi-lingual.

The goals of MEK and NCRI are described briefly as to overthrow the Iranian regime and along with their goals MEK/PMOI has established “National Liberation Army” which acts as the military wing of MEK in Iraq.

Following the above –mentioned description, the report concludes that “the MEK/PMOI/MKO which is using violence and providing support for violent activities, threatens the foreign interests of Germany (The paragraph 1-3 of Guarding Constitution)MEK is a powerful violent dissident Iranian group that claims to be “ the only democratic alternative “ against the Iranian regime.

The movement is consisted of a hierarchical structure with revolutionary Marxist rules mixed with Shiite Islamism “the report says. The report continues with MEK’s clashes with Islamic Regime of Iran and the election of Maryam Rajavi as the “ President Elect “ of the “ Resistance “,adding that“ MEK was listed as a terrorist organization by the EU in 2002 but the political wing has excluded from the approach.

On September 12th, 2006, the European Supreme Court annulled the EU’s decision based on the designation of MKO as a terrorist organization, the reason of this ruling included lack of hearing for MKO. But MEK became disappointed of the removal of their name from the terror list and on June 29th, 2007, after MEK’s hearing the EU Council made serious decisions against terrorism especially MEK and NLA which still have been on terror list.”

“In their struggle against Iranian regime, the MEK follows two strategies: political activities, lobbying and fundraising campaigns and also military operations which were supported by Saddam Hussein. The NLA in Iraq launches its attack against Iranian interests and authorities. MEK’s political cadre (NCRI) has always attempted to discredit Iranian leaders outside Iran. The organization uses violent acts as a legal mean, especially while Iranian government authorities visit Germany “the report notes.

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