Camp Maryam: The Potential Danger

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>Auvers-sur-Oise, Camp Maryam: The Potential Danger

‘ font-size: 10pt”>Methodology of MKO has always been based on cult-like principals. Managing cult-like practices is not feasible except by isolating the members in a closed location as the most famous cults do throughout the world, like the castle of Alamut, in Iran which is the ancient version used by the Assassins (the followers of Hassan Sabbah, a Shiite extremist)and the FLDS church in Colorado city, US is the modern version.

‘ font-size: 10pt”>For MKO this isolated corner of the world includes camp Ashraf in Iraq and Camp Maryam in France. As Saddam Hussein and his Baath regime was the only sponsor of MKO, the existence of Camp Ashraf in Iraq seems more tolerable regarding the existence of Camp Maryam in France in the Parisian suburb since the group is using cult-like practices in the heart of a modern democratic society!

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>Question is that: how the group’s leaders can convince the members to stay in the isolated camp Maryam? How, in Europe of the 21st century, in a liberal country ,there are some people who are convinced and even forced to stay in a closed camp of which the walls are topped by the barbed wire?

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>MKO leaders try to convince the members to avoid the bourgeoisie society and along with their struggle avoid any bourgeoisie thought that according to their doctrine, is equal to Capitalism because from the political view bourgeois is against communism and MKO is obviously a communist cult which claims to be Islamic, advocating a secular regime. Now the MKO wants to make the members accept this bizarre mixture of ideology. Therefore MKO takes its victims out of the so-called bourgeois atmosphere but it has no ideals to replace it because the MKO’s methodology is basically opposed to idealism. Thus the only way to keep the members in is to brainwash them inspiring the feeling of being superior to the public. To achieve this goal, the organization’s leaders haven’t failed to use any cult techniques. They have used any manipulation techniques and mind control methods to freeze the individuals’ minds.

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>As we can see now: in the cradle of civilized world, in Paris country-side the walls of Camp Maryam have bared wires on top. The people in the camp are wearing uniforms without any variety in colors and styles. The female members are forced to wear scarves. The members attend daily meetings of self-criticizing and they confess all their thoughts in their weekly meetings of “Current Operation” where consequently they are insulted or sometime beaten by their comrades. Their entire activities are scheduled by the officials of the cult and the individual has no right to plan or to make change in his schedule. They have no access to mass media.

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>All the above-mentioned rules make a freezer out of camp Maryam where the minds are frozen and turned into a machine that MKO uses to advance its objectives. These prepared machines are ready to commit suicide and homicide operations when ever the organization orders; as what they did in June 2003, following the arrest of Maryam Rajavi, the cult members set themselves on fire in European cities.

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>Today the terrorism of MKO is not only an Iranian problem but an international problem. Today Auver Sur d’Oise is a center to train victims who have not their individuality due to the manipulations made on their minds. The complex methods used by MKO turns this potential threat into an actual danger.

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>This picture shows one of the tricks the MKO plays to inspire the members to commit self-immolations.

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>After Maryam Rajavi was arrested by French Police in 2003, they performed a dramatic piece of play to encourage the forces to commit suicide.

‘ font-size: 10pt”>According to the testimonies made by former members of MKO, Masud and Maryam Rajavi have several times noted that in case of their arrest the members should commit suicide and of course according to the organization’s methodology the leaders’ orders are considered as God’s rulings that members should obey.

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‘ font-size: 10pt”>The threat of the cults is a serious danger all over the world and the MKO is not only a cult but also an organization with a black file of terror and assassinations and also designated as a terrorist organization by US, EU and Canada. Any negligence towards this terrorist destructive cult will end up with irreparable damages for the West.

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