Dear Mr, Berbard Kushner you are correct

The esteemed Foreign Minister- the Republic of France

I wish to thank you for your recent statement on the Iranian group- PMOI

As you are aware, I have known this group up close for years and continue to monitor its activities on a daily basis.

You are correct in your recent assessment of the terrorist nature of the PMOI. This group has never denounced violence and terrorism in its Persian publications; and indeed continues to endorse and promote them. The recent unclassified reports by the group’s own former members do support our existing knowledge of the group and its nature. PMOI is a dangerous cult that naturally deserves to remain in the EU terror list. NCRI is just an alias for the PMOI under which it continues to operate in the EU. In 2004 the US State Department realised this and banned both entities. I hope that the Republic of France would lead the efforts to do the same for the EU, so that PMOI would not continue to ridicule our democratic values.

Happy New Year

Ahmad Baaraan

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