The City of Robots

The leaders of MKO, as well as the leaders of the other destructive cults have chosen a simpler solution to their problems. They try to make robots out of the human beings who are under their rule in order to get their ambitions.
Now, after three decades of the existence of Camp Ashraf in Diala Province, Iraq and Camp Maryam in Auvers-sur-Oise France, the two bases have turned into the cities of robots:

In the city of robots everyday is like the other day. Any event, revolution and change happen around the world, no change happens in robots’ schedule. The ability of making a decision, choosing and changing is a gift that the robots miss. Indeed change is something necessary that makes the life more interesting and makes the hope blossom in the heart of people.

For the human-like robots of camp Ashraf and even Camp Maryam, in the heart of modern Europe, everyday is the same as yesterday. They get up at a certain time early in the morning; they eat at a certain time, in a certain place. They do the same thing everyday for example watering a garden or cleaning a tank…. They go to bed at certain time every night. While they are asleep, they should care about their dreams and nightmares because they shouldn’t be against the organization’s ideology. If so, the member has to write the contradictions and submit to his or her official and accept the consequences.

They should attend the manipulation meetings everyday to reveal their internal thoughts so as nothing of their thought remain hidden to their leaders. Therefore in the city of robots no one has individuality. Everybody belongs to the leader and has to devote his entire life to him.

But the robots of MKO are not equipped with remote control because they sometimes remember their owns and their belongings like the mothers including Batoul Soltani who had kept her children’s photos for years and watched them in the bathroom under heavy fear and anxiety, to keep the least hope in her heart.

But the leaders of MKO go further to kill the hope and will. They force the women in the cult to have hysterectomy surgery because the robots do not substantially have the power of reproduction or giving birth to the other people. This is the way the destructive cult of Rajavi uses along with its process of building robots.

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