Rajavi gang is begging foreign forces to save them

Rabbani: Rajavi gang is begging foreign forces to save them
Iranian envoy to Qatar interviewed on ties, relations with US, Hamas

Doha Al-Sharq Online in Arabic on 10 February carries an interview with Iranian Ambassador to Qatar Muhammad Tahir Rabbani entitled: "Gas Forum is a Clear Example of the Qatari-Iranian Cooperation to Regulate the Energy Market in the World," conducted by Taha Husayn. The interview discusses several issues related to the economy of Iran, Iranian-US relations, and bilateral relations with Qatar

..Concerning the question on ignoring the role of the powers that participated in the revolution such as Mujahedin-e-Khalq , Rabbani says that the political struggle against the former regime was coloured by cultural and peaceful characteristics which differ from the other political trends which resolved to weapons, killing innocents, and assassinating the figures of the Islamic regime. Rabbani notes that "the terrorist hypocritical gang [REFERENCE to Mujahedin-e-Khalq] did not once, neither by words or deeds, show faith in the principles of the revolution. They never yielded to the will of the Iranian people." He adds that this "terrorist gang" participated with Saddam in his war against its own people and in the war against the Sunnah and Shi’i in Kurdistan and the southern Iraqi cities. He goes on to say that "this gang is now begging the foreign forces to save them and keep them alive." ..

Source: Al-Sharq website, Doha, in Arabic 10 Feb 09 –  Translated by:BBC Monitoring Middle East


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