Information Control within MKO Cult

CultWatch website gives a very clear picture of the way the cults control the information.

If you are instructed by a group not to read information critical of the group,then that is a sign of a cult.

As a mind control cult, Mujahedin Khalq has a long history of information control over its members, according to the testimonies of most former members of MKO Cult.

Ms. Batoul Soltani, former member of MKO leadership Council describes the information system in her memoirs:

“After you entered the organization you couldn’t even have a pocket radio because it links you to the outside world. You cannot use any mass media except that of MKO. They never let the news of the other Media broadcast in the hall. Sometimes they even record, edit and censure the news and then show them, just to claim that they broadcast the news of CNN or Al Jazeera. They are very careful about the relationships between the members and people of the outside world such as Iraqis who come to the Camp.”

The way MKO leadership filters and censures the information demonizing the Iranian Regime, makes the MKO members think along with the objectives of the cult. So the information that supports the cult’s line is used to keep the members in.

Legitimate groups have nothing to fear from their members reading critical information about them.

In the cult of Rajavi, criticizing the organization’s ideology, its decisions and approaches will end the members with mental and physical torture, solitary confinement, and imprisonment, most former members like, Masud Khodabande, Mohamamd Hussein Sobhani tolerated years of imprisonment just because they criticized the organization’s policies.

For the Rajavis any critical information equals with the loss of many members. Therefore, the principal method to control the members’ mind is to control the information they learn.

Mazda Parsi

Reference: Howcultswork


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