MKO backlash over warnings

To cross the red-line drawn by MKO is not at all tolerable by the organization. Take the main bastions of MKO for instance, Camp Ashraf in Iraq and the one situated in Auver-sur-Oise in France. While the organization praises and is much delighted seeing the media and attentions directed to the former, the latter is an inviolable line and prohibited to bring up. Encountering a rush of articles on Auver-sur-Oise released in a number of websites, the organization was so irritated that finally took an expected reaction using its typical abusive language. In an article entitled “Frustration of regime against the victories of Resistance and its death cries” published in one of its alias websites, MKO expressed its official position in this regard and which meant the organization could hardly remain indifferent on such issues. In fact, it broke its silence on one of the main challenges of the organization that has been focused in these articles.

Mojahedin are well aware that the Europe and France in particular, will not be inconsiderate when hearing the warning bells tolling. To take pains to prove absurdity of claims made people whom it calls the agents of regime, is a proof of undeniable truth behind what it calls lies. Evidently, one of the reasons proving the truth of these claims is the cliché ways in which Mojahedin have reacted to it.

The best solution for MKO in reaction to these articles was to admit the European and France authorities to their camp in Auver-sur-Oise which could work better that getting frustrated. However, even if the authorities and international bodies could have passed through the gates of the headquarters in Auver-sur-Oise, Mojahedin would have played so many tricks and double-crosses that it fooled the visitors into thinking that nothing was unusual, as they did so in Camp Ashraf and managed to deceive a number of their European visitors. It has to be pointed out that these reactions on the part of the organization in which they attribute everything to the Iranian government are outdated tactics that fails to convince westerners:

Always, when faced with a troubling question, the Mojahedin fall back on one of their habitual tactics. Either they claim bias, declaring that putting them in question is playing the game of the Iranian regime… In spite of everything, today they no longer fool anyone. 1

However, Mojahedin disregard the fact that all warnings on the danger of Mojahedin residence in France are not made by its detached members yet the surveillance system of France is the main resource of these accusations. Surprisingly, Mojahedin even ascribe French intelligent agency to Iranian government as they did so in the events of June 2003. Taking this procedure, Mojahedin respect no ethics and use all possible means for achieving their ends. Likewise, the blind reactions of Mojahedin toward their critics have always been baseless and irrational. Suppose we accept the claims of Mojahedin, then it can be said that all official news resources, politicians and even security systems of the European countries and France in particular are being sponsored by the Iranian government. In other words, the West and France have destroyed their reputation as well as legal, social, and political ethics for accusing Mojahedin on the one hand and acquitting and pleasing Iran on the other. Despite removing the name of Mojahedin from the terrorist list of the EU, the West is well aware of the fraudulent techniques and lobbies of Mojahedin for achieving this end. As a western researcher puts into words:

They are faithful to their technique of harassment of "decision-makers". 2

As M. Pierre de Bousquet de Florian, Director of Territor Surveillance (DST), made clear, his agents were not acting on ground they did not know:

Just for 2001, there were 195 attacks and terrorist actions against Iran claimed in statements from Auvers-sur-Oise. We have learned that they were planning actions outside Iran, aimed notably at Iranian ‘diplomatic missions in Europe. This is a future danger, but a clear one. 3

According to the French intelligence services:

Mojahedin’s aim was to move their "world operational centre" -previously based in Baghdad -to the Val d’Oise. 4

Pierre de Bousquet further added that:

The Rajavi’s villa was, nonetheless, ‘a real Fort Apache’. "We were surprised by the security systems. We found between 8 and 9 million US dollars in cash, as well as systems for coded communications. 5

The fact is that in addition to terrorist activities of Mojahedin against their critics and dissidents all over the Europe, Mojahedin provide espionage services for various countries and organs since one of the factors of their survival in the west is their espionage activities. This charge is not made by MKO detached members and those called as agents of Iranian government by the organization rather western media acknowledge it. According to Liberation:

At a time when French services acted tolerantly with Mojahedin, they were considered valuable resources for revealing the programs of Iran against France, yet this opposition movement refrained to work only for France services. As their barrister confirms, the advocators of Masoud Rajavi also worked for the services of Germany, Netherlands, and Britain… They were an ideological agent. 6

The damaging and adverse consequences of the inevitable relocation of MKO members from Camp Ashraf to Auver-sur-Oise are evident. It may result in forming the ideological bastion of Mojahedin in France as acknowledged by those politicians who are familiar with the true nature of MKO. For example, Pierre de Bousquet, in an interview to Le Figaro states:

Mojahedin aim to establish their new camp in France, since they have lost their bases in Iraq. We never accept it due to these reasons and their dangers for our citizens. 7

Also, the dossier of June 2003 is still open. Maryam Azdanlu (Rajavi) has provisional freedom and has expended 80000 € to be bailed out of jail. The judiciary system of France is to put MKO and its she-guru into trial based on numerous proofs and documentaries. Furthermore, the threatening message of Masoud Rajavi in December 27, confirms the truth of the warnings expressed in this series of articles. Mojahedin describe the content of these articles baseless and as Goebbels lies that is known to be the axis of their own propaganda wars where they turned the number of their residents in Camp Ashraf from 5000 to 50000 before the fall of Saddam in a condition when the course of events therein was concealed to the eyes of the world. Also, they changed the number of their sympathizers that demonstrated in France from 2000-3000 to 70000; a claim reiterated by Mr. Mazandarani in his recent article.These are some instances of lies Mojahedin fabricate following the thoughts of Goebbels and Reich.

What is of significance is that France is to be prudent against the illegal activities of Mojahedin in its soil and pursue its present policy of refusing to give refugee to MKO members. Also, if Mojahedin consider the made claims as big lies and very ridiculous, any reaction to them on their part is even more ridiculous and absurd.


1. Gessler, Antonie, Autopsy of an Ideological Drift, France, 2004, chapter 12.

2. ibid.

3. ibid, chapter 13.

4. ibid.

5. ibid.

6. “Un movement fragilise par la chute de Saddam Hussein- Les Occidentaux n’ont plus besoin d’eux” by Jean-Pierre Perrin- Liberation, 18 June 2003.

7. “Pierre de Bousquet: les Moudjahidin ont bascule dans une derive sectaire”- interviewed by Le Figaro, 20 June.

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