US-Backed Terrorists Seeking to Undermine Iran-Iraq Ties

An Iraqi political analyst said on Sunday that US-affiliated groups and terrorists are seeking to stir tension in relations between Tehran and Baghdad.

"The recent explosions are aimed at stirring tension and portraying Iraq as an insecure country through operations by terrorists and US-affiliated agents," professor of Baghdad University Hazem Shemri told FNA, commenting on recent terrorist attacks on Iranian pilgrims in Iraq.

He underlined success of the Iraqi security forces in restoring securing in the country, and added, "The occupiers’ interest is in keeping Iraq in a security crisis and their support for the al-Qaeda agents and the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) is aimed at striking Iraq’s security and progress."

Twenty Iranian pilgrims were among at least 58 people killed when two women suicide bombers attacked a Shiite shrine in Baghdad on Friday. Some 80 Iranians were among the 125 people wounded.

Another 52 Iranian pilgrims were among at least 56 people killed in a suicide attack on a roadside restaurant in Muqdadiyah, northeast of Baghdad, the previous day.

Elsewhere, Shermi reminded Iran’s significant role in stability and security of the region, and added, "Concerns of the US and its allies about Iran’s role have caused them to resort to different ways to stir tension in Tehran-Baghdad relations."

Thai News Service, April 27, 2009


MP says USA behind attacks on Iranian pilgrims in Iraq

Text of Majid Mo’afi’s report by Iranian newspaper Qods website on 26 April headlined "The deputy head of the Majlis National Security Committee in an interview with Quds: Americans must be held accountable for security tension in Iraq"

The final days of last week were bloody days for Iranian pilgrims at holy sites. In two separate terrorist attacks against Iranian pilgrims in [Iraq’s] Dialeh Province and at the holy sites of Imam Musa Kazem and Imam Javad (peace be upon them) a great number of our citizens were martyred and injured. There is various speculations about these attacks, however, the deputy head of the Majlis National Security Committee believes that these attacks were orchestrated by America and the Zionists in retaliation for their defeat in the Durban-2 summit [UN anti-racism conference] in Geneva.

In an interview with our correspondent Mohammad Esma’il Kowsari added: "These bombings are plots of America and the Zionists following Mr. [Iranian President Mahmud] Ahmadinezhad’s presence in Geneva and his speech about racism which had extensive coverage in the world media." He continued: "Mr. Ahmadinezhad’s revelations against Zionism and racism in the Durban-2 summit in Geneva were a blatant defeat for the Zionist officials, America and the countries which either did not take part in this summit or decided to leave the session during Mr Ahmadinezhad’s speech."

This MP from Tehran believes that Wahhabi elements, Al-Qa’idah elements and Monafeqin terrorists [Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, Iranian opposition group in Iraq] who receive their orders directly from America and the Zionists were behind these attacks. The MP maintains that when confronted with Iran’s solid logic and rationalization, America and the Zionists cannot do anything else but kill innocent people.

Kowsari referred to the presence of the American troops in Iraq and their claim to maintain security in this country and said: "Undoubtedly, Americans are to blame first for these events; although reportedly, Iraq’s security has been handed over to the Iraqi forces, in reality American forces have the last say with regard security in this country. Therefore American forces were responsible for these terrorist attacks." He believes that the occupiers of Iraq must leave this country as soon as possible so that Iraqis can look after security in this country. The deputy head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee maintained that as American troops are not prepared to accept responsibility for the terrorist attacks and Iraqis do not have full responsibility over security in their country; the best thing that we can do to avoid such terrorist events is to stop sending Iranian pilgrims to this country until full security is established in Iraq.

BBC Monitoring Caucasus, April 27, 2009

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