Families of MKO members meeting in Ahwaz

On Friday, 8th May families of MKO members held a meeting in Ahwaz at Aftab Hall.


The meeting was held with the presence of more than 50 families of MKO captives who are banned behind the bars of Rajavis’ cult and also some of the separated members.

After presenting the schedule of the meeting Mr. Hamid Dehdar Hassani ; head of Nejat Society office – Khuzestan Branch gave a report on Nejat Society’s activities during the last year and also on incoming programs of the Society .

Mr. Ekrami member of Nejat Society then addressed the audiences under the title of “Active relations between families and Society, guaranties the release of hostages of MKO”.
Mr. Maziyar Shirvani the former member of MKO who recently managed to release himself from the cult and joined his family explained aspects of the atmosphere rules the cult of Rajavi and the role of Nejat Society in releasing the captive members of Mujahedin.

During the meeting books as well as articles and interviews of MKO former members presented to the participants.

Also during the meeting 17 families of captives of MKO, signed a letter of request to meet their beloveds. The letter was to be sent to ICRI.

At the end the statement to Mr. Nuri Al Maliki was read and signed by the participants of the meeting.

The meeting was ended at 12:30 PM.


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