Maryam Rajavi’s cult representative in European Parliament

Alejo Vidal-Quadras has already scurriously attacked the Iraqi government in the European Parliament alleging them ready to commit a “second Srebrenica in Iraq”

With the withdrawal from European politics of Portugal’s Paulo Casaca, Maryam Rajavi – who is following a Zionist-style regime change agenda – has apparently selected a replacement in the shape of Spanish MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras from the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European
Democrats. Vidal-Quadras has already scurrilously attacked ‘a faction’ of the Iraqi government in the European Parliament alleging them ready to commit a “second Srebrenica in Iraq” in relation to MKO cult members in Camp Ashraf.

Previously Maryam Rajavi posted her cult representative Firouz Mahvi in Casaca’s office. We await with interest to see if he is moved to the office of Vidal-Quadras, if he is changed with another of Rajavi’s cult members, or if another of Rajavi’s MEP’s has her cult representative based in their office.

Some western observers may still be wondering whether the MKO’s supporters in various parliaments are acting out of ignorance or stupidity or sheer wickedness.

Unfortunately, those who know the MKO best, particularly its victims in Iraq, when they see the orchestrated and vigorous insistence on lies and deception cannot be blamed for believing in the corruptibility of parliament and that these MPs must be being paid for their activities.

Sadly the failure of western governments to challenge the undemocratic activities of the MKO is not a new story.
Anne Singleton

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