Families of Nejat Society branch in Ahwaz issued a statement

A group of family members of Camp Ashraf residents, at Nejat Society office in Ahwaz, attended a gathering held by NejatNGO on Friday May 8th,2009. They issued a statement addressing Mr. Nouri Al Maliki, Iraqi Prime Minister,

The Honorable Prime Minister,
As families of MKO members, we have been deprived of visiting our beloved children who have been taken as hostages in Camp Ashraf for years. We use the opportunity to ask your Excellency to provide us with a situation that we would be able to visit our captured children who are barred by MKO which violates all international human rights conventions.
The anti-democratic cult of Rajavi, with its inhuman nature is known to you and Iraqi nation since it has committed crimes against the innocent Iraqi people in Northern and Southern Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussein dictatorship. During the past years, MKO leaders have always prevented us from visiting our children and our efforts have not succeeded yet.

1. We present our request to your Excellency appreciating the position Iraqi government has taken against MKO and its efforts to expel MKO terrorist group out of Iraq.
Our request is based on the followings:

2. We want to visit our captured children as soon as possible in order to learn about their health conditions.
Regarding that Iraqi government is now holding the control over Camp Ashraf, we ask you to facilitate our trip to Iraq and our visit with our children.

3. We ask the Iraqi Government and Red Cross to help us make phone or letter communications with our captured beloveds.

4. We ask the Iraqi government to arrange a facility outside Camp Ashraf so that we can visit our children without the presence and supervision of MKO officials and far from fear and chantage.

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