Documents about the crimes of MKO in Iraq

American obstacles on the way of investigating MKO crimes
"We have collected many documents about the crimes Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization has so far committed in Iraq; but Americans refrain from letting us find access to a part of documents over MKO crimes inside the country" announced chief investigative judge of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court in a meeting with Secretary General of Habilian Association.

According to the database of Habilian Association (families of terror victims) in a meeting with Secretary General of Habilian Association, Adnan al-Bedeyri also said: We have managed to meet many remnant families of MKO suppression of Kurds in northern Iraq and have collected remarkable documents in this regard.

He also added: Despite all the attempts made by the MKO in order to deviate the case, we strive to get the result and try to tie up any loose ends with this file. We also ask you, as the representatives of terror victims, to provide Iraq’s supreme criminal court with any documents you have about MKO crimes.

Underlining that they never follow political goals in this case, the Iraqi official also said: We have put our backs into fulfilling the Iraqi people’s demand for incrimination of the assassins of Iraqi people and we are all in our power to arrive at this result.

Then Secretary General of Habilian Association said in his part: we have discussed the issue of MKO with many Iraqi authorities and are totally aware of the intensity of their hatred against this terrorist cult.

Referring to the fact that America has always made obstacles on the way of fulfillment of the will of Iraqi officials and people about MKO after the occupation of Iraq, Hashemi Nejad also said: MKO tries to portray itself as a political opposition group which has renounced terrorism; but their actual intention is to create an atmosphere of tension and hostility between the government and the people of Iraq. Then Hashemi Nejad pointed out MKO deception in international community and said: MKO struggles to cheat and mislead world’s public opinion and make the international community believe that they are being oppressed by the Iraqi government. To do this MKO is being accompanied by some European political figures.

He also said: Iraqi people are never satisfied with MKO presence inside their country and the only way for bringing to an end their terrorist activities and expelling them from Iraq is to unveil the crimes they have so far committed.

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