Open letter of Mr. Sobhani to Prime Minister of Spain

Honorable President of the Government of Spain
“Mr. Jose Luis Rodrigers Zapatero” Open letter of Mr. Sobhani to Prime Minister of Spain Mr. Jose Luis Rodrigers Zapatero

Respectfully, I would like to introduce myself before anything else. I am an ex member of the Central Committee of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO). This can be verified from their own propaganda outlets including Mojahed Publication (Special Edition, Autumn 1992) which mentions my name as a Deputy Executive Committee member.

In 1992 I became an outspoken critic of what is known as the “forced divorces” and of what is known as “armed struggle”. More than that, I criticised what was apparent about the special relations between the organisation and Saddam Hussein, the ousted dictator of Iraq. I was imprisoned for a few months in solitary confinement inside Ashraf camp and over all spent about 8 years in different prisons.

In January 2001, after 8 years of imprisonment and physical and mental torture, they turned me over to Abu Ghuraib prison where I was held for more than a year.
I would like to inform your Excellency that MR. VIDAL QUADRASS, Member of the European Parliament from Spain is supporting and backing up the leaders of MKO, MRS. MARYAM RAJAVI and MASOUD RAJAVI and their terrorist cult in European parliament.

MR. VIDAL QUADRASS visited from Camp of Ashraf in Iraq for more help to this terrorist cult last year. But without any human rights Organisation representative accompanying his good self., He visited the camp without even investigating the allegations as to what is really going on behind its closed doors. MR. VIDAL QUADRASS visited from Camp of Ashraf in Iraq, but he did not notice that the camp has no children inside and he did not think that this is because the cult leader has banned marriage and family relations?

I would like to remained you that self-immolations done by some members in European capitals after the arrest of their leader Maryam Rajavi in Paris on 17 June 2003, is one obvious example of the kind. Like all cults, this organisation needs a remote site to be able to isolate the members from the outside world. The residents of Ashraf Camp in Iraq and Auvers-Sur-Oise Camp in France have no contact with the real world, not even with their relatives.

At the end, I would like to remain you that the Mojahedin Khalgh Terorist Cult has a similar place as the terrorist organization “ETA “in the hearts and minds of people of Iran. Is it certainly a justlyable position for a Spanish member of parliament to support a terrorist cult?

Mohammad Sobhani
Postfach 90 06 63
51116 Köln – Deutschland

Telefon: +49 (0) 1774829905
Iran Ghalam, May 19, 2009

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