The Iranian Pen Club letter to the main political Parties of Spain

Mr. Mariano Rajoy, Leadre of People’s Party (Spain)
Mr. Jose Luis Rodrigues Zapatero,Leader of Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party
Mr.José Montilla Aguilera, General Secretary of Socialists’ Party of Catalonia
Mr. Cayo Lara, Leader of United Left (Spain)
Mr. Artur Mas i Gavarró, Leader of Convergence and Union

Respectfully, we would like to acknowledge that the Iranian Pen Club is consisted of those ex-members of the MKO who managed to free themselves from the mental and even physical barriers of the Organisation. The main object of the Association is of course to try to help the previous comrades in such way that they be able to free themselves too and start a decent normal life again along with their families and beloved ones.

As you are aware, when Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq was removed, some terrorist Cults with regional and international activities lost their only godfather and benefactor. One of them is the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation.

Also the Mojahedin have alienated their own members and supporters who dare to speak about these realities. The organization imprisoned them so the others would understand the price of criticism. There are many who have had to undergo imprisonment and torture ordered directly by

Mr and Mrs Rajavi. Above and beyond that, was the exposure of the plans of the so called National Council of Resistance to eliminate disaffected members and critics.
Of course is it years now that the people of Iran have knowingly and deliberately turned their back on the Mujahidin Organization, which shows their political understanding, like the people and all political groups of the Spain that consider “ ETA “ as a terrorist organisation.

But we would like to inform that Mr. Vidal Quadrass, Member of The People’s Party ( Spain ) and Member of the European Parliament from Spain is supporting and backing up the Mojahedin Khalgh Terrorist Cult European parliament. Unfortunately, he is Rajavi’s cult representative in European Parliament now. Is it certainly a justly able position for a Spanish member of parliament to support a terrorist cult? What is difference between Terrorist Organization “ETA “and Mojahedin Khalgh Terrorist Cult?

we would like to ask from Mr. Vidal Quadrass many questions.

Has Mr. Vidal Quadrass ever asked Mojahedin Khalgh Terrorist Cult to explain about the forced separation of families and spouses?

Has Mr. Vidal Quadrass ever asked the leaders of Mojahedin Cult about the strategy of ‘war and Terror in the cities’ and the murder of thousands of people in Iran?

Has Mr. Vidal Quadrass ever asked for an explanation about the role of Masoud Rajavi and maryam Rajavi as the ideological leaders who have never made a mistake and never will? Why members of Cult have to attend brainwashing sessions in Ashraf garrison in Iraq and Auvers-Sur-Oise garrison in France that called "current operations" and be damned for their deeds and thoughts and even their night dreams. Why in these brainwashing sessions which are the most immoral methods of psychological pressures over people, the natural mental and emotional defense of one is shattered in such a way that one submits oneself to any unsound demand.

Also, I would like to remained you that cults do need an isolated remote place with tall walls in order to impose their brainwashing techniques over their followers and the Ashraf garrison in Iraq and Auvers-Sur-Oise garrison in France have provided such facilities for many years for the MKO.

In conclusion, we request from yourself and your colleagues as leaders of the political parties of Spain, in particular Mr. Mariano Rajoy leader of the Spanish People’s Party, that considering the local and internernational threat posed by the terrorist cult Mojahedin-e Khalq as described above, that you bring the complaints of the Pen Association and likeminded people to the attention of Mr Vidal Quadras over his cooperation and support for the terrorist cult Mojahedin-e Khalq.

With many thanks and regards
The Iranian Pen Club
Postfach 90 06 63
51116 Köln

– Embassies of Spain in Germany and France
– Relevant MEPs
– Office of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maleki
– US State Department

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