Culture of taboo in MKO

Culture of taboo in cults is part of their mind control system. Cult leaders are not able to defend their manipulative practice against their opponents, so they try to demonize their critics.

Former members, journalists, politic men and political activists who criticize the cult of Rajavi, are all considered as the agents of Islamic Republic and therefore they deserve being boycotted. The leaders of People’s Mujahedin of Iran launch a large-scale propaganda campaign against them, turning their words into taboo words that no member of the cult dares listen to the critics since any word against MKO is definitely from the side of Regime!

Maryam Rajavi claims that her so called resistance (Cult of Rajavi) is the only democratic alternative for the regime of Tehran! But the true facts show that MKO has the most undemocratic approach against its critics. How can one consider MKO as a democratic movement while Tolerance is meaningless in Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization? Rajavi represents himself as the one on the summit of perfection and never admits the arguments against his cult.

As the main principal of a democratic society, Tolerance signifies the freedom of speech, freedom of decision ad freedom of thought but in fact any freedom in the cult of Rajavi endangers the existence of the cult. Therefore, MKO leaders never believe in political arguments or challenges, they just eliminate the rivals and opponents by viewing them as taboos.

Today the growth of societies is directly based on discussion, negotiation and consultation while MKO leaders view the world as Black and White. They divide the world as their supporters and their opponents who are all labeled as agents of Islamic Republic. A significant instance is the recent letter they sent to Economist newspaper (allegedly signed by Lord Corbett) following the publication of an article on MKO titled “where will they all go” dated April 11th. Via the letter, MKO attacked the Economist for repeating “untruths commonly voiced by the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and security”.

Despite all deceptive hawkish propaganda of Rajavi’s Cult, truth is always present. The history records all atrocities committed by the destructive cult of Rajavi: As Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, MEP, clarifies in her letter (Mary 21st) to Economist, “the article on People’s Mujahedin of Iran” as “an accurate account of their past activities”.
By Mazda Parsi

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