Serious Confessions on MKO Crimes

Former leader of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq divulged serous confessions about their activities in Iraq

Al-Iraqiyah Television highlights in its 1700 gmt newscast on 23 May reports on a speech by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in which he called for giving up "quotas and consensual democracy," the arrest of a senior Al-Qa’idah leader, and the confessions of a former leader of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization about the organization’s activities in Iraq. Al-Maliki calls for giving up "consensual democracy"

– "Prime Minister Nuri Kamil al-Maliki has stressed the importance of relying on the constitution and national denominators in the coming stage away from quotas and consensual democracy. In a speech at the First Constituent Conference of the Iraqi Chieftains Council in Baghdad today, Al-Maliki pointed out that national reconciliation is the basis for the success of the political process, stability, and security in Iraq."

Al-Maliki is then shown saying: "We have all raised the slogan of national reconciliation. I would like to say that national reconciliation was the main support for the success of the security agencies and the political process. While we acknowledge the efforts of the security agencies and the political forces, we reiterate that national reconciliation was the reason behind isolating the advocates of murder, takfir [holding other Muslims to be infidels], terrorism, and dictatorship."

– "The final statement of the conference included a number of decisions which stressed adherence to Iraq’s unity and adoption of a unified stand against any challenges that might obstruct the political process or destabilize the country."

Shaykh Ali Hatim al-Salman, chieftain of Al-Dulaym tribe, is then shown reading the following statement: "We underscore Iraq’s territorial integrity and unity of its people. We categorically reject any regional interference in Iraq’s internal affairs. Our relations with the neighbouring countries must be built on reconciliation, partnership, and good neighbourliness. Third, we call on the leaders of political blocs to adopt a unified political discourse to serve the higher interests of the Iraqi people."

– "MP Izzat al-Shabandar has said that Prime Minister Nuri Kamil al-Maliki’s call on the political blocs to cooperate in order to bring about a cabinet reshuffle is an opportunity for getting rid of quotas. He stressed the need for the cabinet reshuffle to be based on the standards of citizenship, integrity, and qualifications. For his part, independent MP Wathab Shakir al-Maliki called for taking such a bold step as soon as possible. In press statements, he said that selecting independent technocrats will be the basis for forming future governments." Al-Qa’idah leader arrested

– "The Iraqi forces have conducted a new qualitative security operation in Baghdad, leading to the arrest of the so-called judicial emir of the terrorist Al-Qa’idah Organization. According to officials, the arrest took place in Zayyunah area based on accurate intelligence information."

The announcer-read report is followed by a video report by Al-Iraqiyah correspondent Ghayth Talal, who says that the arrested person is called Isma’il Abd-al-Sattar al-Rubay’i, and that he is the second-in-command in the Al-Qa’idah Organization. He notes that the detainee is also known as "the blind emir or the blind judge."

In the report, Interior Minister Jawad al-Bulani is shown saying: "The Iraqi security agencies have arrested the elements and cells involved in the criminal actions and recent operations. Our security activities have led to arresting Tunisian and Moroccan cells and people from other nationalities. These people had entered Iraq to carry out terrorist and criminal operations."

The report says: "The Ministry of Interior asserted that the interrogation of terrorist Isma’il Abd-al-Sattar al-Rubay’i, who is responsible for most of the criminal operations in Baghdad, led to the arrest of important leaders of Al-Qa’idah who are responsible for terrorist operations in Al-Sadr City, Al-Shu’lah, Al-Kazimiyah, Baghdad al-Jadidah, and the Police Academy. The terrorists confessed to receiving aid from Syria."

The television anchors then host in the studio Major-General Abd-al-Karim Khalaf, director of the National Command Centre at the Ministry of Interior.

Asked about the arrest of Al-Qa’idah official, Khalaf says: "This is a big network and includes many members. We will announce the results in the next two days. We will announce the details to our people so that they will be reassured that the investigation agencies do not stand idly by while criminal acts are carried out by these people."

Asked about the withdrawal of the US troops from the Iraqi cities by the end of June, Khalaf says: "We and the brothers in the Ministry of Defence have completed preparations. The operational committee, which is chaired by his excellency the minister of defence and includes officials from the Ministry of Interior, has completed all arrangements for the deployment of troops after the withdrawal of the US forces from the cities. By the end of June, our security forces will be ready to take over the files all over Iraq. As you know, Article 4 authorizes the Iraqi government to ask the US side to keep part of its troops if there is a need for this. Thus far, there is no need for keeping any troops in the Iraqi cities." Former Mojahedin-e Khalq official quoted on organization’s activities

– "Batul Sultani, former leader of the terrorist [Mojahedin-e] Khalq Organization, has divulged serious confessions about the nature of actions carried out by the organization. Al-Sultani has recently defected from the Ashraf Camp in protest against the policies implemented there."

In a video report by Al-Iraqiyah correspondent Haydar al-Abbudi, Al-Sultani is shown saying: "Mas’ud Rajavi had close relations with Saddam. He used to resort to him in many issues, like suppressing the sh’abaniyah uprising in the south and centre and the areas of Klar, Kifri, and Tuz Khurmatu in the north. Rajavi sent 5,000 members of the organization to quell the uprising and kill the innocents."

Al-Sultani adds: "After the fall [of the former Iraqi regime], Rajavi started planning to build relations with tribal chieftains and some opposition politicians. He sought to urge them to run in the elections. I also noticed that scores of poor youths were given shelter, education, and money to carry out the organization’s actions in Iraq. I call on the Iraqi officials to work as one team to expel this subversive organization, which continues to carry out suspicious actions."

Al-Iraqiyah TV, Baghdad,1700 gmt 23 May 23, 2009
Translated by BBC Monitoring Middle East

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