Letter to the Representative of Portugal in EP

Honorable and distinguished Representative of Portugal in the European Parliament, Mrs. Ana Maria Gomes

First of all we would like to thank you because of your brave positions regarding Rajavi’s Cult and your robust humanitarian views in this regard.

We, the victims of this inhumane and suppressive cult (Rajavi’s Cult) would like to further inform you that the existence of this cult is very dangerous not only for its own members who have been trapped for decades in the notorious Ashraf-garrison in Iraq, but it is also very hazardous and perilous for western and European countries.

The nature and the content of this so called organization is totally cultic and we can all inform you much more about this cult if you grant us an opportunity to have a personal appointment to meet with you.

We are all witnesses to the cruelty and tyranny which exists in this cult. We have all been under severe and harsh psychological and physical tortures which were implemented by the henchmen of this inhumane religious cult.

We support your activities and endeavors against violence, and Rajavi’s cultish ideology.

Best Regards,
Iran- Peyvand Association

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