Hajipur Ex-member of Rajavi’s Cult Welcomed by Nejat Families

According to Nejat Society’s President at Gilan Office, Hamid Haji pur who spent twenty years of his life in MKO succeeded to defect from the cult a few months ago and return to his hometown in Gilan, Iran.

Following his return, a lot of families who are members of Nejat Society in Gilan office, contact the office in order that they can get news about the health of their beloved ones in Camp Ashraf.

To facilitate Mr. Hajipour’s visit with Nejat families, Gilan office held a meeting where the families welcomed Mr. Hajipour and asked about the condition of their children who are still captured in Camp Ashraf.

The president of Gilan office added that Mr. Hajipur described the mental and physical pressure he had suffered as a member of Rajavi’s cult. Impressed by Hamid Hajipur’s story in MKO, the families showed concern about the release of their beloved ones and their return to Iran.

The meeting lasted two hour. At the end the families took some photos together with Mr. Hajipur and his family.

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