Eternal Light caused the death of about 2700 MKO Members

On the occasion of the twenty-first anniversary of Eternal Light (Forough Javidan) Operation that caused the death of about 2700 members of Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Nejat Society held a meeting at Khuzestan Office where 15 defectors attended. In 1987, Eternal Light Operation was launched by MKO across Iranian borders after the cease-fire between Iran and Iraq.

Hamid Dehdar Hassani (MKO Defector) began the meeting by speaking on the necessity of the active mutual relation between defectors and Nejat Society in order to denounce Rajavi’s crimes and to release captives of his cult.

Then Mr. Ali Ekrami (MKO defector) analyzed MKO’s strategy since July 21 until the case –fire (between Iran and Iraq) and the beginning of Eternal Light Operation. He revealed some untold facts about this black deadly tragedy. Stressing that Eternal Light was the outcome of Rajavi’s misinterpretation on the concrete situation of Iranian Society, Mr. Ekrami said that the crucial duty of separated forces is the relentless denunciation of Rajavi along with efforts to rescue those who are banned behind the bars of Ashraf base.

Mr. Maziyar Shirvani who is one of the recently defected members, also gave a report on the latest status of MKO in Iraq.

In addition, some of the defectors described their memoirs of Eternal Light Operation, and revealed the crimes Rajavi and his accomplice, Saddam Hussein committed through the mass murders during that operation.

At the end, they issued a statement in which Nejat Society declared its readiness to fight the illegitimate ambitious leadership of MKO. The statement ends with four articles:

1.We recognize Massoud Rajavi as the main agent to commit the crimes of this massacre in which the lives of a nation were targeted.

2.We appeal for the establishment of a trial for the investigation of war crimes Rajavi and his allies committed.

3.We ask Human Rights organizations to challenge MKO’s crimes, based on the testimonies made by a large number of live witnesses and documented facts.

4.As the defectors of the cult, who survived that tragedy, we declare our preparation to attend any court or human rights organization to accuse Rajavi as a war criminal.

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