Is Jordan the next option for MKO settlement?

Iran – following the collapse of the camp Ashraf, which was based for many years in Iraq to bring members of the "People’s Mojahedin Organization" (hypocrites) together, the leaders of the terrorist organization, are thinking of transition from Iraq to another Arab country.

"The People’s Mojahedin Organization", which was the active intelligence and operational arm of the defunct regime of Saddam, during the eight-year war imposed by Saddam against Iran, after the fall of the Baathist regime in Iraq were rounded up at camp Ashraf near Baghdad. Although the U.S. supported this terrorist organization as a means of exerting pressure on Iran, the Iraqi government, which accuses members of the terrorist organization guilty of criminal practices against Iraqi citizens have always been willing to get rid of the armed terrorist organization on its territory until the recent clashes that took place at Camp Ashraf where this terrorist base received a fatal blow, and now the leaders of the organization know very well that Iraq cannot be a safe place for their unsecure presence.

Consequently, Maryam Rajavi has recently traveled to Jordan to take permission from the Jordanian authorities and demand the officials of the country to accept the members of the MKO in Jordan.

Although there is no information on the details of the talks and Jordanians’ response to the terrorists, some political observers believe that the United States does not seem unwilling to transfer the headquarters of the MKO from Iraq to Jordan, because under the current circumstances, the United States itself and the European countries and the States bordering Persian Gulf do not want to move the headquarters into their territory, but Jordanian government, which remained loyal to Saddam until the last moments of his life as well as its absolute obedience to the United States, is the appropriate option to receive the members of this terrorist organization in its territory.

One of the concessions made by the MKO to the Jordanian authorities, is that this organization has a great operational and intelligence experience so it is able to assist the government and the security services in case of intensive presence of the Palestinians in Jordan (something that authorities of Jordan are not pleased with);it could act when it is necessary like the role it played in suppression of the Iraqi people uprising in 1991. Besides, considering the rapprochement between Jordan and Israel MKOwould serve them with its intelligence on Iran.

This point was noted last year by a group of MKO members during a meeting with a U.S. general in Iraq and the terrorist organization announced that if the United States was able to convince the government of Jordan to receive the organization’s members, they would not hesitate to cooperate with Israel to have paid the cost of their move to Jordan .

As MKO is despised by the people of Iran and isolated in Camp Ashraf and has lost of many of its troops, of course, will not be able to carry out such practices, but seeks to show itself as strong to convince Jordanians that it could be useful for them.

On the other hand, to stay safe from the reach of Iran and the Iraqi government – because it is accused by the two countries to carry out terrorist operations –MKO needs to gain Jordan’s support after the death of its former supporter and Jordan is betting on them as a political and intelligence tool.

Of course, in the light of the dwindling force of this failed terrorist organization, if the Jordanians, commit a terrible mistake and accept MKO members, they will not receive any benefit and but the ground of "insecurity" in their country will increase significantly.

After months of the arrival of the government of Nuri al-Maliki in Iraq, a number of Iraqi tribal leaders visited him and discussing various issues they raised the case of MKO existence in Iraq and noted that the organization is in charge of direct and indirect killing of a large number of both clans in an uprising in 1991 or what happened afterwards.

At this meeting, one of the tribal leaders said:” We want revenge for our dear ones and justice for the killers, but we consider that your Government is our Government, we will not intervene in the issue directly, we invite you to either of these options : to expel them from Iraq in order not to bear the responsibility their fate. We bust our order with them anywhere in the world, in addition to our enemies that we will know with the new host is found to the murderers of our children.

Now the choice for Jordanian government may be to accept existence of the terrorist organization to strain relations with Iran and the high ground where the lack of security, or will it act with tact and work like the rest of the Arab countries in order to avoid engaging in these dangerous and costly game.

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