Nejat NGO urges Iraq to let MKO members reunite with their families

Nelat Society has urged Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maleki, to provide chance for those members of the terrorist Mojahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO), who are residing in Ashraf Camp, to reunite with their families in Iran.

In a letter to al-Maleki, the Nejat Society hailed the brave decision of Iraqi government in opening the gates of Ashraf Camp to the public.

It said the premier’s move gave the opportunity to the families of those, who had been imprisoned in the camp by the terrorist MKO ringleaders, to see the place their loved ones were kept after six years of waiting.

Nejat NGO further asked the prime minister to separate the ringleaders from members to give the residents of the camp the chance to make decisions for their own future.

It also urged the Iraqi government to keep up with efforts to clarify the situation of their loved ones.
Describing the members of the terrorist organization, who are living in the camp, as people, who have been deceived and misled by the MKO ringleaders, Nejat Society urged the Iraqi government to arrest and try the terrorist MKO top leaders.

The letter further stressed that the families of the deceived MKO members were ready to travel to Iraq to assist the Iraqi government in persuading the Ashraf Camp members to detach themselves from the MKO’s terrorist ringleaders.

Copies of the letter have been sent to Iraq Embassy in Tehran, the International Committee of Red Cross’s (ICRC) representative office in Tehran, the UN representative office in Tehran, and Swiss Embassy in Tehran, which serves as the US interest section in Iran.

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