Memories of Sayed Mahmud Hosseini

Dear friends in “Nejat society”

In 2002, when I finished my military service, I went to Turkey legally to find a job. Before leaving Iran. One of my friends named Mojtaba introduced me to an acquaintance of his. He worked at Platon Hotel in Istanboul. Mojtaba gave his address to me and told me that he can find a job for me.

But when I reached Istanboul and looked for him, he had gone to Greece.

After a few days of going about, Icouldn’t find any work since I didn’t know the language, on the other hand I didn’t have enough money, so disappointed and helpless I decided to return home.

One morning, at 11 o’clock I went to the bus station. The first bus to Iran was supposed to leave at 2 pm. So during these hours while I was wondering around the station desperately I ran into a man called Saeed. He invited me to walk with him, and glad to see an Iranian, I narrated my adventures for him.

Saeed abused my misery and offered me a job.

He told me:

But it is to be regretted that it was just a dream. I and many others were caught in the net that Saeed made.

I accepted his promises, he took me to Ankara and introduced me to Ali Ankara ( he was Turkish), a member of MKO.

We were three, Ashkan who had come from Cypres, Reza who had come from Tehran and me. After being introduced to Ali, he took us to Taaj Hotel and after three hours sent us to Baqdad via Syria by train.

Arrival In Iraq

While arriving Iraq, I was watching the poor houses and the unpleasant condition of life regretfully and my dark fate, waiting for me passed my mind. Therefore we decided to return from the beginning but every time, with their evil propaganda, they tried to convince us to go on.

Having arrived in Baqdad. They took us to a place called Ashraf. At the door of Ashraf we became penitent and decided to come back, even we took some steps backwards and refused to enter Camp Ashraf which was a military camp, since we were not interested in military activities, our motive was finding a work, but the members of the terrorist group prevented us to go and said:â€

Disagreeable and Hypocritical treatment.

On the first day, they kept us behind the entrance of the building of the camp. We were frightened of so many weapons and military devices, so promised to eachother to leave the camp tomorrow morning, but they didn’t let us.

We were thinking of a dark destiny. Night came; they took us to the building and settled us in rooms. What they had told us was very different from what we saw.

I complained, broke the window and the T.V of the room to provide them an excuse to make us free. The same night, they took me near Aydeen and mokhtar, who were the responsibles of the arrivals, to investigate. Aydeen shouted at me violently and called me spy, regimes agent and enemy. He told me :â€

But their bad treatment led me to make my decision to save myself. They even didn’t permit me to call my old mother for fourteen months.

Brain washing

A month passed and because I continued to show the signs of opposition and my willingness to leave, they arranged meetings for me where they said:”

Forced Meetings

Here I bring you some examples of the meetings that the members were obliged to attend:

One day, while I was on food strike and I didn’t talk to any body, I saw some commanders had lifted a man named Farhad and were taking him to Current Operation by force; I intervened and quarreled with them. So one of them told me that I had to go too and left him go and caught me. I fought them and this battle led me to an injury to my right arm. I broke the window to defend myself with the glass.

Sohrab was an other person who avoided attending the meetings but because of too much pressure he committed suicide. He ate 60 sedative pills and he got toxicity. He was taken to hospital immediately and then they threw him in a room for a long time.

Another one who had become sick psychologically because of too much mental pressure and avoided to attend the meetings, immolated himself, consequently his right hand burned. His name was Mohammad Bandi and he was from Abadan but resided in Isfahan. He also lives in Isfahan now. He fled from the camp when the American forces seized there.

Majeed was from Kermanshah. While the period of dispersion he wanted to flee but the officials killed him. Since this man was the topic of the meetings and always they used bad language against him, he didn’t have a normal mental condition.