Memoirs of Ms. Soltani ex- Member of PMOI’s Leadership Council

Ms. Batoul Soltani former member of the leadership Council of People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI, MKO, MEK) was released after two decades of being captive in the cult of Rajavi …during those years she lost her kids and her warm family center. The life of Ms. Batoul Soltani is mostly like a tragic drama that seems like an incredible fate. She is now stepping in a way to rejoin her missing husband and children.

To be a Mujahed
I‘m a woman escaped from MKO camp
Behind the smiles of the captives in Ashraf
Unsaid stories on a castle called Ashraf
Mujahedin’s Machiavellian approach towards the US administration
Manipulating Cult Techniques to exploit the insiders
Imposing maximum pressure for laboring, to leave no time for thinking
Saints of MKO Leadership Council
Rajavi:You shouldn’t get arrested alive
Mujahedin’s struggle principals
MKO instrumental misuse of individuals
Regime change in Iraq resulted dramatic changes for Rajavi
Why did Rajavi create his so-called Leadership Council?
A phenomenon called the “Leadership Council”
Masud Rajavi is the fixed axis of the organization
Masud Rajavi’s Marriages
On MKO’s Ideological Revolution
MKO key Formula: Why Maryam … Because Masud
Rajavi and The Leadership Council
Masud Rajavi Married every woman of the Leadership Council
No member of Leadership council dares to tell his personal problems
Massoud asked arrogantly:”Does anyone claim to have a husband other than me?”
Rajavi’s passion for women and his ambition for leadership

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