Washington backed MKO terrorists in Iraq are still active

IRI slams British Archbishop’s support to MKO

IRI Ambassador to London in a letter to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury warned about his statement in support to the Mojahedin Khalq Grouplet in Ashraf Camp in Iraq.

Rasoul Movahedian addressed Williams, a UK high ranking religious official for his clear support to the MKO grouplet and said Williams message in support of the terrorist grouplet is dangerous and has a political consequence.

Movahedian remembered that many of the western countries have put the grouplet on the terrorist list officially, adding," Both Iranian and Iraqi nations hate the terrorist grouplet."

"The grouplet act on the basis of Marxist and Leninist ideology and under the cover Islamic mottos. They have chosen terror method. The officials of the grouplet are responsible for murdering thousands of Iranian and Iraqi civilians," the letter wrote.

He said the grouplet was active in murdering innocent Kurds in northern and Shii Muslims in southern Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq. The ideas of the grouplet violated the religious structures, civil law and human rights. The grouplet has slaughtered 12,000 Iraqi civilians and Iranian officials.

"The agents of the terrorist grouplet are still active to carry out their plots in Iran," Movahedian reiterated.

"Religious leaders’ support of the Monafeghin terrorist grouplet, in any form, may damage their reputation. Moreover it is sad to see the right of those members who are regretful for their past mistakes and are willing to return to their country is denied by the MKO heads," Movahedian said.

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