Cultic backlash against a legal intervention

The survival of cults, and the political-terrorist groups like MKO in particular, depends mainly on their organizational as well as a dominant iron discipline that are the cause of numerous human tragedies and cultic practices that that risks the lives of the cult victims. The main factors resulting in total obedience and submission to cult leaders are convincing systems and brainwashing techniques as well as some other levers including intimidation and coercion of the members.
Therefore, the main consideration in dealing with cults and averting their danger is organizational split of cults through separating the leaders from the rank and files in order to break down the inter-twined and steel-like discipline exerted on the latter.

However, this issue has been ignored by the US forces while taking the control of camp Ashraf, the cultic bastion of the notorious terrorist cult of Mojahedin. Surprisingly enough, the Americans’ negligence in this regard not only led to the stability of organizational relations of Mojahedin but also resulted in a number of negative consequences like illegal resistance of Ashraf residents against the legal demands of Iraqi government.

The statements made after the process of transitions in Iraq resulting in Iraqi forces’ taking control of camp Ashraf imply that the American forces have behaved passively toward Mojahedin taking no preventive measure against them. In fact, since the fall of Saddam up to the deployment of Iraqi police in camp Ashraf, no effort has been made for the organizational dissolution of Mojahedin. Seemingly, this is the reason why Mojahedin disagreed to let the Iraqi police in.

Considerable evidences indicate that the coalition forces and the Americans were so indifferent and passive toward Mojahedin that they never cared about the authoritarian approaches of MKO’s leaders exerted on MKO Ashraf residents and also failed to prevent the exit of opposition forces from Ashraf based on some hidden agreements made between Ashraf leaders and the US commanders.

In fact, there was no control and surveillance on the internal and external relations of Mojahedin. There are many reports that verify the active cooperation between the US commanders and Ashraf leaders. There are numerous evidences indicating that American forces were obliged to classify organizational and military forces of Mojahedin based on their rank and control them separately but they refrained to do so and in some points it seemed that Mojahedin had the upper hand compared to the invading forces.

What is of great importance is that Mojahedin have been aware that the presence of Iraqi police in camp Ashraf will not be limited a physical presence. The reason of the violent reactions of Mojahedin and victimizing Ashraf residents in the course of June events is in this regard.

According to the statements of Iraqi officials, the palisades inside camp Ashraf are mainly used for controlling Ashraf residents, their movements, and relations and imply the complexity and organizational hierarchy of MKO. While the control of camp Ashraf was in the hands of the US forces, Mojahedin felt safe; however, the presence of Iraqi police in Ashraf as well as removing the palisades poses a threat to MKO leaders loosing the control of their bastion. In fact, the measures had to be implemented on Mojahedin seven years ago are just on the agenda of Iraqi officials. These are the primary steps for setting MKO rank and files free from cultic relations of Mojahedin.

Footages of the human shield of MKO members in complaint to the removal of palisades by Iraqi police shown in Mojahedin TV indicate the importance of these fences as a symbol of the internal and closed relations of Mojahedin. This action as well as separating MKO leaders from the rank and files may pave the way for dissidents to leave camp Ashraf and find the chance to govern their own destiny free from the cultic bonds of the organization. The demolishing of the strategic and ideological container of Mojahedin, camp Ashraf, should have been accomplished right after the invasion of coalition and American forces. Now, the presence of Iraqi forces in camp Ashraf is a step forward to fulfill the objective; the harsh backlash of Mojahedin leaders was not unexpected since it challenged its cultic sovereignty.

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