The Iranian Pen Club letter to the French Ambassador in Germany

Mr. Bernard de Montferrand,The French Ambassador in the Federal Republic of Germany

Respectfully, we would like to acknowledge that the Iranian Pen Club is consisted of those ex-members of the MKO who managed to free themselves from the mental and even physical barriers of the Organisation. Hence, We would like to notify you about the venture presence of such cult in your country because we have all experienced their cruelty and savagery with our own flesh and bone during our captivity in that notorious cult.

Because As you know that peoples Mojahedin organization ( PMOI/MKO) which has been residing in your country for decades, had cooperated and participated in many crimes against humanity in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s reign and they have been taking advantage of the democracy and freedom in European countries specially in your motherland, France.

The people’s Mojahedin organization which has cultic relations among its members, has been utilizing inhumane methods in its internal relations among its rank and file such as brainwashing, religious indoctrinations, and the like to further its cultic objectives and ends in European countries and France in particular. Your country has experienced the ablaze human torches who were desperate and inculcated members of this cult in 2003 in Paris. Self immolation and self burning, which are deprecated and abominable actions , are one of the horrible things that they have potentiality to do so.

Also, I would like to remind you that cults do need an isolated remote place with tall walls in order to impose their brainwashing techniques over their followers and the Ashraf garrison in Iraq and Auvers-Sur-Oise garrison in France have provided such facilities for many years for the MKO.
Hence, We would like to repeat for you about the venture presence of such cult in your country.

With many thanks and regards

The Iranian Pen Club
Postfach 90 06 63
51116 Köln

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